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Appunti di Inglese

Prologue to the Wife of Bath's Tale

Prologue to the Wife of Bath's Tale The Wife of Bath begins the prologue to her tale by boasting of her experience in marriage. She has already married five men, and she ignores the idea that this is a reproach to Christian principles. She i ...

Pronomi personali soggetto e complemento

Pronomi personali soggetto e complemento Personal pronouns subject and complement Linfinito del verbo qui usato to love (amare). Il pronome I si scrive sempre con la maiuscola. Nessun pronome si pu sottintendere e deve accom ...

Pronomi possessivi, Aggettivi possessivi

Pronomi possessivi Possessive pronouns mine mio yours tuo, suo (di lei) his-hers suo (di lui), suo (di lei) its suo, neutro di terza persona ...

Pronomi relativi

Pronomi relativi I pronomi relativi sono invariabili in genere e in numero. Vengono distinti in defining e non-defining. Defining: introducono una proposizione che fornisce una definizione indispensabile del termine a cui si riferiscono ...

Pronuncia - Pronunciation

Pronuncia - Pronunciation         Un famoso comico italiano diceva che in inglese si scrive Shakespeare (pronunciato allitaliana) e si pronuncia Liverpool. Infatti soltanto la 'a' si pronuncia in o ...

Prose can be divided into two different genres: the essay and the novel

Prose can be divided into two different genres: the essay and the novel Romantic essay Prose can be divided into two different genres: the essay and the novel. There are many example of the essay through all the century: ▪&n ...

Racism and Discrimination

Racism and Discrimination Racism means judging people in terms of race, nationality, customs and habits, social background or physical appearance, and not in terms of personality, intelligence and achievement. Most people are afraid of anyt ...


REALISM It is the accurate description of an environment, usually the middle class, to analyse it clinically and usually criticises it. A realistic author lets the matter of the book explains itself. He avoids intruding with comments and j ...

Reason and common sense

Reason and common sense When Queen Anne died George of Hanover became king, under the name of George I, he was the first of Hanover dynasty. He could speak no English an preferred Germany to England, so he was unpopular. His accession has ...

Relative clauses

Relative clauses Basic relative pronouns The relative pronoun you use depends on the thing you're talking about. Generally speaking, the most basic ones are these: for people who/that for things ...

Relative clauses - practice

Relative clauses - practice 1) Here are the other five types that Spranger identifies. A) Complete the texts. Put these relative clauses in the correct places, using that as the relative pronoun. govern the univers ...

Relazione del mercante di venezia

RELAZIONE DEL MERCANTE DI VENEZIA Author: William Shakespeare Title: The Merchant Of Venice Setting: The tragedys principal places are the city of Venice and another city called Belmonte in which there was the Portias cas ...

Relazione d'Inglese "Memory overview"

Relazione dInglese Memory overview The terms Main Memory refers to the space of the memory where data the instructions are stored in phase of execute or elaboration. Memory can be split into two main categories: volatile and n ...

Religions in the world

RELIGIONS IN THE WORLD From the earliest known evidence of human religion by Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis around 100,000 years ago to the present day, religion continues to be a very influential aspect of human lives. To ...

Research about English food

Research about English food     British meals in general The British have three meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner and tea at 5 oclock p.m.. Breakfast is very big. They have fruit juice, cereals with milk, toast with but ...


RESPONDING What is your reaction to the animals revolution? Indeed the story is a satirical allegory of the Russian Revolution. Like Russian citizens , the animals try to run the farm themselves on egalitarian principles. But just like Tr ...

Review of "Dorian Gray" by Oliver Parker, and confront with "The picture of Dorian Gray" By Oscar Wild

Review of Dorian Gray by Oliver Parker, and confront with The picture of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wild Dorian Gray is a movie based on Oscar Wilds novel, The picture of Dorian Gray, and it tells the story of a young aristocratic Lo ...

Review of "jumanji"

REVIEW OF JUMANJI Jumanji is a book composed by 40 pages , edited by Penguin readers . Its a fantastic story that happens in different eras , during the 1869 , the 1969 and during the 1995 . All the facts happen in USA , in a t ...

Riassunto del libro: 'Robinson Crusoe'

Riassunto del libro: 'Robinson Crusoe' Robinson Crusoe was born in York in 1632. His father wanted he became a lawyer, but Robinson wanted to travel. When he was nineteen he left England. After a terrible journ ...

Riassunto gulliver 's travels

RIASSUNTO GULLIVER S TRAVELS The main charachter of this novel tells about his adventures. He left school soon;but he loves to travel so he got married and after he takes The ship called Antilop,sailing to te South Seas.His journey star ...

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