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Appunti di Inglese

Perfect conditional

Perfect conditional FORMA AFFERMATIVA Soggetto + would (d) + have + participio passato FORMA INTERROGATIVA Would + soggetto + have + participio passato FORMA NEGATIVA Soggetto + would not (wouldnt) + have + participi ...

Periodo ipotetico

Periodo ipotetico composto da una proposizione principale (main clause) e da una subordinata (if clause) che esprime la condizione necessaria affinch ci che detto nella principale si verifichi/sia verificato. La subordinata gener ...

Personal responses

PERSONAL RESPONSES YOUNG LOVE I think that young love, even if very important as our own experience, isn't a serious feeling. Well, I mean that it can't last for a long time. There are lots of married couples that divorce because they sa ...

Peter pan

PETER PAN (le origini storico-culturali che stanno alla base della stesura di Peter Pan) In every society, in every century, a stage of life seems to have an advanced prestige. For example In Ancient China the gre ...

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs LOOK LOOK AFTER = badare a (indivisibile) The baby-sitter looks after the children LOOK AROUND = guardarsi attorno (indivisibile) The thief looks around himself LOOK FOR = cercare (indivisibile) ...


PHRASEOLOGY ☼ During a visit to the trade fair in Milan I saw a sample of your . ☼ X informs us that you are manufacturers of . ☼ We are interested in the . you are now advertising in . ☼ Your company has be ...

Poe and Baudelaire: A Vast Ocean Apart

Poe and Baudelaire: A Vast Ocean Apart Amy Jo Roy The relationship that Edgar Allan Poe and Charles Pierre Baudelaire have is definitely one of interest due to its peculiar nature. One man was a relatively well-known American author during ...


POETRY A poem is a composition made of rhymes and rhythm. Accent: the prominence or emphasis given to a syllable in a word. Alliteration: repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of words. Anaphora: re ...


Poetry is the first literary genre to be considered because, as for any other language, the first Anglo-Saxon literary works were passed on from generation to generation orally, and poetry, with its rhytm and musical qualities, was easier to lear ...


POETRY Poetry is a word of Greek origin which means to make, to create. A poem is something made or created:the poet is the creator and language is the material out of which the poetic text is created. A poem is a complex text with ...

Political institutions in the united kingdom

POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM The United Kingdom is composed of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is a constitutional Monarchy. There isn't a single written constitution, like in Italy, in fact the Constitution is made ...

Potere Sapere + infinito (significa riuscire in qualcosa, essere capaci di, e si usa con i verbi di percezione)

Potere Sapere + infinito (significa riuscire in qualcosa, essere capaci di, e si usa con i verbi di percezione) Sai sciare? Can you ski? Vedi la casa laggi? Can you see the house over there? Can presente i ...

Pre-romanticism & romanticism

PRE-ROMANTICISM & ROMANTICISM The pre-Romantic tradition was characterized by an enthusiasm for the classical production of an increasingly personal nature that have elements of nostalgia and sublime.(the first difference is formal: the ...

Prehistory and History of Computers

Prehistory and History of Computers The origins of the computer are very recent (the early 1940's), and its history therefore covers a very short period of time (half a century only). It would be interesting to know instead how man, since the ...

Present conditional

Present conditional FORMA AFFERMATIVA Soggetto + would (d) + infinito senza to FORMA INTERROGATIVA Would + soggetto + infinito senza to FORMA NEGATIVA Soggetto + would not (wouldnt) + infinito senza to FORMA IN ...

Present perfect

Present perfect quando l'attenzione di chi parla concentrata sul risultato dell' azione I' ve sent that postcard to Will and now I want to know where he is nelle domande con how much/many/often? How many sweet have you eat ...

Present perfect

PRESENT PERFECT HAVE + PARTICIPIO PASSATO Pu essere paragonato al passato prossimo, a differenza che ha come ausiliare solo HAVE USI: -per parlare di un azione avvenuta nel passato ma di cui non si dice esattamente quando ...

Present perfect

Present perfect   Uso: Il present perfect si usa per indicare unazione che si verificata nel passato, senza specificare quando, il cui risultato permane nel presente. La struttura consiste di: Soggetto + ausiliare have o has ( 3 ...

Pride and prejudice

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE PRIDE → Pride because both Elisabeth and Darcy are proud of their own position. PREJUDICE → Prejudice because Darcy considers Elisabeth and especially her relatives as inferior. Also Elisabeth is prejudice ...

Pride and prejudice - jane austen

Pride and Prejudice Jane Austen The story takes place in the 19th century in the English province. The quiet life of a village it upset by Mr. Byngleys and his familys arrival. He is a rich man from London. The Bennet family receiv ...

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