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Personal responses

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I think that young love, even if very important as our own experience, isn't a serious feeling. Well, I mean that it can't last for a long time. There are lots of married couples that divorce because they say that their love has come to an end so it's impossible for me to think that young love can last. I really don't know why I think so, I can only say that what we think is due to our personal experiences.

Being in love is one of the most beautiful things in life, without any doubt, but being in love with somebody doesn't mean that you must give up your hobbies, friends or entertainments and you can't pretend to change the character of the person you love. Staying with somebody means to have respect for each other, have a dialogue to find a solution in all kinds of situations, be sincere to avoid to cut a bad figure.


When we're teenagers we often argue with our parents because we'd like to be freer and we would like to decide what to do in any kind of situation.But it's not possible. We still live with our family so we must respect our parents even if we wouldn't to do it. But parents must respect our opinions, too. I often argue with my parents because of the pocket money I get, because I spend too much, the state of my bedroom since I'm not tidy even if I like tidiness (I know that it's a little bit strange!), because of my nourishment since I never eat vegetables, fish or fruits. I think that to have a good relationship between parents and children, you must have an open dialogue. To speak when there's a problem helps to find a solution that is good for both parents and their children. Sometimes it's very difficult to talk about our problems especially for a child but it's more difficult to be quiet when our parents could be the only ones to help us.


I love rock music so I know well Woodstock. I've always thought that it was and it still is an unrepeatable event. That's why it took place in a very special moment for all the society. Young people needed ideals but first of all they wanted peace to change the world and make it better, 'make love not war' (the famous Hippie movement's saying) those are the essential of their minds.

Also last year we had the pleasure to see Woodstock but it wasn't the same. People that were there started to burn all the beautiful placards that they had made. They burnt them because they were exhorted to do that by the song 'Fire' by Jimmy Hendrix sung by 'Red Hot Chili Peppers'. That shows us that everything has changed. We live in a violent society in whici peaceful events like concerts or sport matches become real battles. Moments like those are made to be all together, to have a good time and to have a rest from everyday life not to have much stress ot to risk to be injured.

If I have to say if concerts reflect our society nowdays, I couldn't answer. There are lots of concerts but no one is made to reflect our society. People go to concerts to listen to his/her favourite group/singer but not for a more serious reason. Maybe I could say that numerous concerts are made for charity but not to change something in the world, of course. To do that it takes something more. Well, maybe we have got an answer. We haven't concerts just like Woodstck because young people are still looking for something in which to believe in.


I'm not the kind of person that feels blue for a long time. When I'm bad tempered I usually try to do something that helps me to cheer my mood up. Anyway, I don't like at all to be sad and to see sad people. That's my philosophy: life's too short to live it in sadness. Ok, it's quiet normal to have bad moods because life's hard sometimes and I'm human so when I feel blue I always listen to music. Music helps me to run away from reality,  it relaxes me and gives me a good mood. That's the only way for me to feel better. I only listento rock music since I think that it gives an incredible energy.

But if you always feel blue, you can get depressed and depression is just like a terrible illness and it's very hard to come out from it. When you're depressed you think that everything is negative and there's no remedy. Some people are very aggressive with the other ones when they're blue and I don't like it. Even if I've a bad mood, I try to keep everythink in myself, mostly I talk with a friend of mine for advice or to look for a solution, but I never get angry with the people that are next to me. I also think that changing moods frequently doesn't concern teenagers only. Adults are often so stressed and tired nd they've a bad temperament but at the end of all these are just moments of our life in which we can start everything one more time.

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