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Scarica gratis Phraseology


☼ During a visit to the trade fair in Milan I saw a sample of your .

☼ X informs us that you are manufacturers of .

☼ We are interested in the . you are now advertising in .

☼ Your company has been recommended to us by one of our customers.

Ω We are dealers in . which we sell in Europe and we would be glad to include your products in our range.

Ω We are a large office supplies firm based in UK. We have recently received a number of enquiries for your fax machines and would like to market them here.

Ω Our Company is one of the country's largest bed linen suppliers. Our major clients include three leading chain stores.

¥ Would you please let us have your catalogue and price list, together with details of discounts you are willing to give for large orders?

¥ We would be glad to receive technical details of all your fax models and your usual trade discount rates.

¥ Kindly send us information about your different ranges, including sizes and colours, as well as samples of your different fabrics.

¥ We would be pleased to receive a quote for 250 .

¥ We would be grateful if you could inform us about your delivery and payment terms.

× We look forward to hearing from you soon.

× We would appreciate a prompt reply.

× If your prices are competitive and the samples you send us satisfactory, we will be glad to place large orders with you.

× If you can guarantee delivery within 15 days of receipt, we would expect to send you regular orders.

  • Nostra intestazione
  • Data
  • Our ref. and Your ref.
  • Indirizzo destinatario
  • Attention
  • Dear.
  • Body
  • Complimentary close (Dear sir/s = your faithfully - Dear Mr X = your sincerely)
  • Signature
  • Enclosures
Scarica gratis Phraseology
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