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Appunti di Inglese

Samuel Coleridge: the man and the poet

Samuel Coleridge: the man and the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Devon in 1772. His father, a clergyman, moved his family to London when Coleridge was young, and it was there that Coleridge attended school. He later attended Cambr ...

Samuel taylor coleridge

SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE C.s poem The Rime of an Ancient Mariner is a ballad because it is full of repetitions, it contains a sort of refrain and it tells a dramatic and story in verse; it is written in archaic language and it is a mixture ...

Samuel taylor coleridge

SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE   Samuel Taylor Coleridge was the founder of the Romantic movement with William Wordsworth: they wrote together the Lyrical Ballads, which are the symbol of the Romantic period. Reported to Wordsworth, Colerid ...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( 1772 - 1834)

Samuel Taylor Coleridge ( 1772 1834)   Life and main works Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Devonshire in 1772. He soon displayed prodigious talents as a natural orator and later went to study in Cambridge. He was heavily influ ...

Samuel taylor coleridge - the rime of the ancient mariner

Samuel Taylor Coleridge the rime of the Ancient Mariner Colerdige biography Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born on October 21, 1772 in Devonshire. Coleridge proved to be a brilliant student and was heavily influenced by the French re ...

SCHEDA DEL LIBRO - Le Morte d'Arthur, William Caxton

SCHEDA DEL LIBRO TITLE : Le Morte dArthur AUTHOR : William Caxton GENRE : Medieval Romance WHEN PUBLISHED : 1485 SETTINGS : THE PLOT : Arthur is the child of Igrayne and Uther. Arthur was promised to Merlin as payment ...

Schedatura di 'Tess of the d'Ubervilles' di Thomas Hardy

Schedatura di 'Tess of the d'Ubervilles' di Thomas Hardy Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Context Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840. His father ran a masonry business in a small town in Dorset, England, where he also played the mus ...

Schema sui Tempi Verbali in Inglese

Schema sui Tempi Verbali in Inglese Present Simple (Presente Semplice) Si forma con sogg + bare infinitive Si utilizza Per esprimere azioni di routine Per esprimere abitudini Per esprimere lorario di partenza o di arrivo d ...

Science and evolution

SCIENCE AND EVOLUTION THE TRIUMPH OF SCIENCE The real protagonist of the Victorian Age was the scientist, whose SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES were considered miracles. The interest in science had already started in th ...

Scientific Revolution

Scientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution is a period comprised between the second half of the 500( heliocentric theory of the universe) and the end of the 600 ( laws of Newton) that saw the birth of a new conception ...

Seamus Heaney - Seamus Deane

Seamus Heaney was born in 1939 in Northern Ireland. The poems of North (like Punishment) appeared in 1965: they were the result of Heaney's meditation on his reading Glob's The bog people, dealing with the discovery in peat bogs of the pres ...

Second World War

Second World War During Victorian Age the Britain was the first power in Europe. At the end of world war II it had losing the power on the colony that little by little become indipendent; in fact there was an increase of nationalit ...

Seventeenth Century Medicine Superstition vs Fact

Seventeenth Century Medicine Superstition vs Fact M edicine in the 17th century was still very crude, but it was stating to improve. The techniques used to heal people were ...


Shakespeare was born at Stratford in April 1564 is considered a genius in the poetic and literary field for his comedy and tragedy. Three important Shakespeares tragedy are Richard III, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.All are characterized ...


Shakespeare is the greatest English playwriter. We dont know many things about his life. Born in Strattford Upon Avon in 1564, there went to local grammar school and learnt some Latin and Greek from priests. He belonged to the middle class a ...

Shakespeare's plays

SHAKESPEARES PLAYS Shakespeare used the work of the Italia writers for write most of his comedies. The dates of composition are generally difficult to establish. Editors and critics, for give an approximate date to each play, used a me ...

Sheakespeare's Macbeth

Sheakespeares Macbeth Act one The first act begins with the meet of Macbeth and his friend Banquo coming back from the battle ground, with three witches who predict him he was going to become sir of Cawdor and King of Scotland. When ...

Shelley's Frankenstein

Shelleys Frankenstein       Context In the summer of 1816, a young and well educated woman travelled from England to the Swiss Alps with her lover. An unseasonable rain kept them trapped inside their lodgings, wher ...

Short story: The mystery of my grandmother

Short story: The mystery of my grandmother It was early in the morning. I got up scared and turned round. When I saw him on my table, I realized that anything could happen that day. Rupn, my dog, got on my table only when he had bad f ...

Sigfried sassoon 1886-1967

SIGFRIED SASSOON 1886-1967 He was born in 1886 and served with great courage his country in France in the First World War. He wrote his war poetry AT THE FRONT, and he was one of the firsts poets that express contempt for the generals ...

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