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Shakespeare's plays

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Shakespeare used the work of the Italia writers for write most of his comedies.

The dates of composition are generally difficult to establish. Editors and critics, for give an approximate date to each play, used a method based on three types of evidence: external, internal end stylistic evidence. On the basis of these types of evidence Shakespeare's plays may be divided into 5 periods: apprenticeship, maturity, experiment, tragedy and last plays. The Merchant of Venice was write in the maturity period and probably in 1596.


Despite the title, the most important character of the play isn't the merchant Antonio but Shylock. Shylock can be considered the play's villain but he also given a tragic sense on pathos which emerges in his major speeches. Shylock in Jew and he is embitter (amareggiato) for the brutal way the Jew have been treated in the past by the Christian. He think that if Jew and Christian are to live together as human being they must have the same rights, including that of taking revenge when they are wronged.

Shakespeare, however, must please his Christian audiences and reassert the moral superiority of his Christian characters. He turns our sympathies against Shylock and Shakespeare transforms him into a monster. The play ends on a racist note as Shylock is forced to convert to Christianity. In fact he cannot remain a Jew and live.


Bassanio, a noble but poor Venetian, asks his friend Antonio, a rich merchant, for 3.000 ducats to be able to court the rich heiress Portia. Antonio is also short of money but, because he wants to help his friend, he borrows the necessary amount from Shylock, a Jewish moneylender, who demands that if the sum is not returned, he may extract one pound of flesh to be cut from Antonio's body. News arrives that Antonio's ships have been lost at sea. Then Shylock claims his penalty. They go to the court of justice where Portia admits the validity of Shylock claim, but warns him that he must not spill one drop blood. Now Shylock is forced to ask for mercy. Shylock's life is eventually speared but only on condition that he becomes a Christian. The play ends whit Portia giving Antonio a letter which informs him that his ships have arrived safely in port.

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