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Shakespeare was born at Stratford in April 1564 is considered a genius in the poetic and literary "field" for his comedy and tragedy.

Three important Shakespeare's tragedy are Richard III, Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.All are characterized of V acts in which there are keys points for the narration and in which the pathos is very lively, they are:

I)        break of the order

II)      started chaing of event

III)            (the climax) troubled situation whit deaths

IV)           Falling of hero

V)     Conclusion whit the catharsis

"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy deals by " Gianozza e Mariotto"Luigi Da Porto's Italian story. Concerning the fate of two young "star-cross'd" lovers.

Their family are enemies and two young lovers, when desperate attempt for to realize our love dream, for bad luck, dead.

In the tragedy there are:

Wicked characters:

Lord Montague: Head of the house of Montague

Lord Capulet: Head of the house of Capulet

Tybalt: Cousin of Juliet; angry and pugnacious; killed by Romeo, as vengeance for killing Mercutio.


Good characters:

Romeo: Son of the Montagues; loves and marries Juliet.

Juliet: Thirteen-year-old daughter of the Capulets; loves and marries Romeo.

Prince Escalus: Prince of Verona

Friar Lawrence: Franciscan friar and Romeo's confidant; he marries Romeo and Juliet. He gives Juliet the sleeping potion that prevents her marriage to Count Paris. He makes potions from herbs.

Mercutio: Kinsman of Prince Escalus and friend of Romeo; killed by Tybalt when Romeo interrupts their duel.

It is one of the most famous of Shakespeare's plays, one of his earliest theatrical triumphs, and is thought to be the most original love story of the Renaissance

"Hamlet"is drawn a history Danica:

After the death of the King of Denmark, the Queen Gertrude marries the king's brother, Claudius, who comes to the throne. The king's ghost appears to his son and tells him the truth about his death: he was killed by Claudius.

His father ghost wants Hamlet to revenge him killing the murderer.

Suddenly the king's ghost appears to Hamlet and orders him not to kill his mother. She is struck by remorse and decides to support her son's apparent madness. Subsequently Hamlet goes to England to be killed because the king had fear of he but he secretly returns. Hamlet succeeds to kill Claudius but he is hurt mortally and his mother is for poisoned error. The throne is taken from Fortinbras designated from Hamlet in life end

Wicked characters:

  • Claudius, King of Denmark, Hamlet's uncle  (villain)

Claudius is the current King of Denmark, who was elected to the throne after the death of his brother, King Hamlet. Claudius is married to Gertrude, his brother's wido

Good characters:

  • Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

Prince Hamlet, the title character, is the son of the late King.

  • Gertrude, Queen of Denmark, Hamlet's mother

Gertrude is King Hamlet's widow, now married to Claudius.

  • Fortinbras, of Norway

Fortinbras the King of Norway

  • Ophelia, daughter of Polonius
  • Horatio, Hamlet's friend
  • Polonius, counsellor to the king

Instead Richard III is a history tragedy of a sanguinary English king, who obtains the throne with every half, committing atrocious homicides and actions for his "crave power". Envious of elder brother with deceits eliminates each pretender to the throne included Buckingham his ex-ally. He remained alone, he confronts his enemy, the earl of Richmond, in the battle of Bosworth Field. In the battle, Richard III hand-to-hand fighting with the earl of Richmond, he dies pierced through sword.

I like all three Shakespeare's works for them suspance but "Richard III" is my favourite tragedies because it's full of dramatic turns of events and the protagonist attracts spectator's curiosity.

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