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Leggi anche appunti:Agatha ChristieAgatha Christie Agatha Christie was born in 1890 in Torquay in England. Her father Victorian DramaVictorian Drama In the Victorian period were written few works but the ideas Scientific RevolutionScientific Revolution The Scientific Revolution is a period |
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Phrasal Verbs
The baby-sitter looks after the children
The thief looks around himself
LOOK FOR = cercare (indivisibile)
The lady is looking for jewellery
LOOK IN ON = visitare (qualcuno) inaspettatamente (indivisibile)
The child looks in on his old grandmother
LOOK INTO = estrapolare, investigare (indivisibile)
The psycologist looked into my problems
LOOK OUT FOR = stare in guardia (indivisibile)
The sentinel looks out for the intruders
LOOK THROUGH = guardare attraverso, ispezionare (indivisibile)
The policeman looked through the lock to find the thief
LOOK UP TO = stimare (indivisibile)
I look up to Sergio
LOOK UP = consultare (divisibile)
The student looks up the encyclopedia
LOOK OVER = ispezionare (divisibile)
The general looks over his soldiers
TAKE AFTER = somigliare (indivisibile)
Alice takes after her father
TAKE DOWN = scrivere (divisibile)
Alice takes down every word the teachers say (Religion too), so she's scandalous
TAKE OFF = decollare (indivisibile)
The plane took off at 7 p.m.
TAKE TO = infatuarsi (indivisibile)
Alice takes to Ridge in Beautiful
TAKE UP = intraprendere (indivisibile)
Alice took up volley ball when she was 10 (so on Sunday she never picks up)
TAKE AWAY = sottrarre (indivisibile)
Marco and Claudio took away Benetti from death for collapsing
TAKE BACK = restituire (indivisibile)
Marco took back some books to the library after 5 months
TAKE IN = imbrogliare (indivisibile)
Alice takes in all of us saying she's a woman
TAKE OVER = prendere il controllo (indivisibile)
Alice took over her father's company
TAKE ON = accettare una responsabilitą (indivisibile)
Anna doesn't take on Alessio Scabro as boyfriend
PUT IN FOR = fare domanda per un lavoro (indivisibile)
The girl put in for a job as secretary
PUT UP WITH = tollerare (indivisibile)
Some teachers put up with bad children
PUT OFF = lasciare / posticipare (divisibile)
The boy put off the appointment with his girlfriend
PUT ON = accendere / vestirsi (divisibile)
My mother put on her best dress
The scouts put on a fire
PUT THROUGH = telefonare (divisibile)
The secretary put through the telephone call
PUT OUT = togliere / spegnere (divisibile)
The fireman put out the fire
PUT UP = alzare il prezzo / erigere / proporre (divisibile)
The teacher put up her best student for a contest
ASK FOR = chiedere per ottenere (indivisibile)
The woman asked for a drink
ASK AFTER = chiedere informazioni riguardo ad una persona (indivisibile)
Viviana asks after Jessica's grandmother
RUB OUT = cancellare (indivisibile)
Peter accidentally rubbed out some important informations
GET ACROSS = far capire (divisibile)
Alice gets across to Massi that she's in love with him
Politicians nowadays can't get their message across the people
GET BACK = recuperare (divisibile)
The pirates got their treasure back
GET DOWN = annotare, demoralizzare
Alice gets down everything in her copy-book
GET ALONG = andare d'accordo
I get along with Paola
GET AWAY = scappare
Massy gets away from Alice
GET AWAY WITH = passarla liscia
Massy gets away with Alice's kisses
GET BY = cavarsela, sopravvivere
They got by on very little money
GET THROUGH = portare a termine
I promise to get through this work
GET OVER = riuscire a superare (una malattia
I hope to get over at the end of the school
GET ON WITH = continuare, proseguire il proprio lavoro
MAKE OUT = compilare (un elenco, una lista)
The teacher made out a list of his students
MAKE UP = inventare / riappacificare
The students had to make up a story for homework
MAKE FOR = dirigersi
The plane was making for the North of the country
MAKE UP FOR = recuperare, riguadagnare
That man made up for his wallet
CUT OFF = disconnettere (telefono)
CUT OUT = ritagliare (forbici)
I cut out on article from the newspaper
CUT UP = tagliare (affettare, a pezzi)
The mum cut up the bread
CUT DOWN ON = ridurre
WEAR OUT = consumare
They wore out all the water in the bottle
WEAR OFF = svanire (effetto di medicine, alcolici)
COME ACROSS = incontrare per caso
While I was going to school I came across on old friend of mine
COME BY = passare vicino
To arrive to the church you have to come by the river
COME DOWN = ridurre di prezzo
COME FORWARD = presentarsi, apparire
COME OFF = avere successo
COME OUT = uscire (sole, fiori.)
The sun came out from the clouds
COME ROUND = visitare
COME UP AGAINST = scontrarsi, affrontare un problema
COME UP WITH = produrre, venir fuori con un'idea
BACK UP = sostenere, spalleggiare, dare conforto
Those two boys back up each other
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