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Riassunto gulliver 's travels

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The main charachter of this novel tells about his adventures.

He left school soon;but he loves to travel so he got married and after he takes The ship called Antilop,sailing to te South Seas.His journey starts on 4th May 1699.Because of a storm his ship sinked and the crew drowned.But he was safe and he arrived in a land:he felt asleep.

When he woked up he coldn't move because he was tied.He looked arouns and he saw a very short man:he was fifteen centemetres tall.There were a lot of other short man around him.

They were scared of him.The language of this characters was incomprehensible,but Gulliver sensed:he was a prisoner of  them.

They conduced him to their city called Mildendo and there a temple become Gulliver's new home.

When G. asked at the King if he can leave the island, he answered: 'No'.

So he decided to became kind to persuaded the King.

One day the King said: 'You are free if you  respect this three orders':

You couldn't leave the country or go to the City without permission

You couldn't walk only long the main roads and you have to pay attention at cars,horses and people

You have to help people to work,to defend Lilliput from the enemies of the Island of Blefusco.

G. promised to respect these orders and he was set free.

He also visited Mildendo.

A night an important man said him that Lilliput are divided in two parts:the High-Heels and the Low - Heels.Low - Heels are the people of the Government and also the King,the People are High - Heels and the heir wears one high heel and one low heel!!!

There is another division:Big - Endians,the ex inhabitats of Lilliput which now live in Blefusco, and Small - Endians, the attual inhabitats of Lilliput.There is a big war between this two parties.

One day G. captured some inhabitats of Blefusco and the People of Lilliput were very satisfied.

Ambassadors from Blefusco came to ask for peace.

G. went to the King to ask the permission to visit Blefusco:the King accepted;but a Gulliver 's friend informed him about a plot against him.The King decided to eat G. because the Lilliputians had nothing to eat.So he went immediately to Blefusco.

There he saw a boat and he had an idea:he asked to the King of Blefusco twenty ship to build an enormous ship for him.After he asked to the King the permission to leave the land.

The King was very kind because he gave him a lot of food  such as very little cows and bulls,which when he arrived in England maked him very rich.

An english ship took G. on board and he arrived at home.

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