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Prose can be divided into two different genres: the essay and the novel

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Scarica gratis Prose can be divided into two different genres: the essay and the novel

Prose can be divided into two different genres: the essay and the novel

Romantic essay

Prose can be divided into two different genres: the essay and the novel. There are many example of the essay through all the century:

16th century: Montaigne

17th century: Milton and Dryden

early 18th century: Pope, the periodicals (Steale and Addison), Swift, Defoe and Fielding

late 18th century: Johnson and Burke

1780-1830: Romantic Essay

Romantic essay is a short piece of prose dealing with one single subject: everyday life; personal memory; travel impressions; artistic and literary topics; philosophical topics. Most important writers: Charles Lamb with his Intimate essay (more personal; there is new personal approach to literary criticism); William Hazlitt and Hunt, Keats' friends; Thomas De Quincey.

Romantic novel

Experimental stages: journalism and satire (Swift);

Defoe: detailed realism (autobiography);

Richardson: epistolary novel;

Fielding: epic novel (comic and picaresque adventures);

Sterne: anti-novel;

Walpole and Radcliffe: Gothic novel;

Jane Austen: novel of manners (following Richardson);

Mary Shelley: novel of purpose (propaganda of new scientific idea);

Scott: historical novel.

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