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"OLIVER TWIST" wrote by Charles Dickens

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"OLIVER TWIST" wrote by Charles Dickens

Oliver Twist was published between February 1837 and April 1839 in a magazine called Bentley's Miscellany. It's Dickens second novel and possibly his most famous.

Oliver Twist focussed social problems: the spread of crime, maltreatment of children and the immorality of institutions, supposed to help the poor, particularly the workhouses, which were created, by the New Poor Law, of 1834.

Oliver Twist is the first English novel with a child protagonist and is also notable Dickens unromantic portraits of criminals and their sordid lives. An early example of the social novel, the book calls the public's attention to various social evils, including the workhouse.  Dickens mocks the hypocrisies of the time by surrounding the novel serious themes with sarcasm and dark humour.

In the midst of corruption and degradation, the essentially passive Oliver, remains pure-hearted. Charity and love are important motifs in Oliver Twist. Oliver receives love and kindness from  few people: the old magistrate, who saves him from Mr. Gamfield, the bookseller who gives evidence to clear him, and, of course, Mr. Brownlow, Rose Maylie and Nancy who died to save Oliver.

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