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Appunti di Inglese


AUSTRALIA General features It is the largest island in the world and the smallest continent. It has a population of about 16 million that is two people per square km. Much of the country is desert. The Land Australia is the ...


Awakenings Characters:      Dr. Sayer Dr. Sayer was a kind and polite men. He was about 40 and for him his work was all. Dr. Sayer had been working for many years in a research staff, so when he ...


AWAKENINGS The history starts with a flash back in America in the years '30. Leonard has some problems because his hand trembles, so he can't go to school and play with his friends. Then the history goes 30 year-old boasts, when doctor Saye ...

Beckett - Waiting for Godot

Beckett Waiting for Godot In this tragedy there are two tramps ( vagabondi ): Vladimir and Estragon, that are waiting for Godot ( could be an object in this story represent the death). While they are waiting, they talk with verbal games ( ...

Bend it like beckham - film

Bend it like beckham is a film about Jess,a teenage girl who lives in the London area near the airport with her traditional sikh family. Her father and mother are thrilled to have their eldest daughter Pinky marrying a nice Indian boy, so ...

Beowulf: riassunti

BEOWULF: RIASSUNTI Chapter 1 Danish kings were always known as brave men. The first was Shield Sheafson, who was succeeded by his son, Beow. When he died, his successor Halfdane had three sons: Heorogar, Hrothgar and Alga. The most pres ...

Bertrand russel - how to grow old

Bertrand Russel How to grow old In this passage Bertrand Russel gives us some suggestion about how to grow old and eventually die. Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of those is t ...

Blade Runner

Blade Runner (1982), by Ridley Scott Actors: Harrison Ford, Sean Young Based on the novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the film is one of the most popular and influential science-fiction films of all time, and many films have at ...

Blake, wordsworth, coleridge, byron, shelley, keats e le loro caratteristiche

BLAKE, WORDSWORTH, COLERIDGE, BYRON, SHELLEY, KEATS E LE LORO CARATTERISTICHE IMMAGINATION: Blake:Ability to see more deeply into the life of things. Creative and spiritual power in man peculiar to the poet, children and man in a sta ...

Bram Stoker's Dracula

  Bram Stokers Dracula During the last years of the 19th Century the interest for gothic as a narrative genre has its major exponent in an Irish man: Bram Stoker (1847 1912). In his novel Dracula (1895), he presents th ...


1.  THE REGIONS OF BRITAIN Britain is the largest island in the british isles, it includes England, Scotland and Wales. The united kingdom (UK) is the official political name of the state, which also includes Northen Ireland as well as ...

Britain after the norman conquest

BRITAIN AFTER THE NORMAN CONQUEST The Norman Conquest When Harold died leave legitimate heir. Thus William Duke of Normandy claimed that Edward had left the throne to him. In fact in 1066 William with Normans fought the English of Harold ...

Britain explored

BRITAIN EXPLORED THE GEOGRAPHY Great Britain can be divided into two major natural regions: In the Highland zone (so north and west of G.B.), rocks are hard and old, the soils poor and stony, in addition some areas are difficult to r ...

British Museum

British Museum Vai a: Navigazione, cerca Il British Museum uno dei pi grandi ed importanti musei di storia del mondo. stato fondato nel 1753 da sir Hans Sloane, un medico e scienziato che ha collezionato un patrimonio letterario ed ...

Business communication

BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Today written business communication is mainly done through:        E-mails          & ...

Business organisation

BUSINESS ORGANISATION board of director group of people that manages a company ...

Business organisations

BUSINESS ORGANISATIONS Board of directors (consiglio di amministrazione) Managing director (Direttore generale) Most important decision in the business Sales manager, Marketing Manager, Human resource manager, Purchasing manage ...

Can e could

CAN E COULD   -        CAN   CAN un presente. La forma negativa CANT. Ha due significati: -        CAN(DO) = poter(fare) Can I speak to Barbara ...

Can e could (potere)

Can e Could (POTERE) Can usato       Per esprimere capacit/abilit (nel senso di essere capace di fare qualcosa o sapere come fare qualcosa): He can swim but he can't play tennis.     ...

Canterbury tales

CANTERBURY TALES PLOT The story talks about a group of 30 people who are on a piigrimage from London to Canterbury. The main event is the initiative of Harry Bailley: he suggest that everyone shouid teli two stories and he best one wouid ...


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