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The history starts with a flash back in America in the years '30. Leonard has some problems because his hand trembles, so he can't go to school and play with his friends. Then the history goes 30 year-old boasts, when doctor Sayer introduces himself in a hospital to be assumed. He has always been a research doctor, so he hasn't any experience, but he is assumed equally. When he returns home in the fridge there are some plants on which he is making some experiments. His first patient calls Lucy and seems that she is a vegetable but when he throws her a little ball she picks it up. The other doctors say that it's only a reflex. The only one that believes in the doctor is a nurse. Sayer understands that his patients have the whole same illness, he makes some searches and he discovers that in 1930 there have been some cases of mysterious mental illnesses on which a physician was working. So he goes to see him and he discovers that the patients had a virus and some of them dead and others have become catatonic. The doctor goes then home of Leonard's mother and he asks her as the illness of her child manifested. The woman says that Leonard fell in trance and then he waked up again, up to that one day found him immovable on the bed: from that moment he hasn't spoken anymore. Before that happened he read a lot. So the doctor makes a test to Leonard and when he tells him his name he reacts. Then he test with all the other patients with the music and with the human contact and everybody react. Then when he tries to make to write his own name to Leonard, the doctor understands that he wants to send him a message, in fact he points out the name of an author that he loved to read. In the history it speaks of a closed in cage panther and the doctor realizes that Leonard feels him as it. Then Sayer goes to a congress on a medicine to take care of the Parkinson's disease and he asks to his principal if he can give it to his patients. He tells him that he must have the authorization. So the doctor asks Leonard's mother about giving him the authorization, she says yes and she also goes to find her son. Meanwhile the doctor gives some medicines to Leonard and he wakes up, he speaks and he walks. So he knows some people in the hospital, he begins to do something and he goes out too. Besides doctors of the hospital give some money in the hospital to buy the medicines and in fact all the patients wake up again. Then they go dancing but Leonard doesn't want to go because he wants to know a girl and he eats something with her. They know each other and when they see themselves they say hello, so Leonard tells his mother to go on holiday. Then Leonard asks the doctors to go for a walk, but they say not and so he tries to escape, but he is stopped and brought in another department. Meanwhile its ticks return and the doctor Sayer, worried, goes to find him, but they quarrel and Leonard hurts him. After a bit the doctor returns to him and Leonard asks Sayer to help him. Meanwhile the other patients are worried because what has happened to Leonard will also happen to them. The doctor starts to increase the doses to Leonard, which talks to the girl and he tells her that is better that they won't see each other anymore. Sayer regrets the beautiful moments and meanwhile all the patients are returning catatonic. The history concludes at a lecture, where doctor Sayer speaks about the extraordinary summer when the patients wake up and he says that they need love, if they are catatonic too.


The history starts with a flash back in America in the years '30, but it happens in the '60 years. The patients are in a cronical hospital , which is like a prison. There are grilles at the windows to prevent that patients go out and some but few equipments. There aren't reseach equipments because they think that catatonic patients are irrecoverable.


The protagonist are doctor Sayer and Leonard. The doctor is very shy and his only hobby is the research. He isn't married and he isn't very good with people. His only friend is Leonard. Leonard is very likable and he loves life because he knows what is to appear died. He is extrovert, he likes reading and he says that a catatonic patient needs love like another.

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