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The first and the second generation of romantic poets |
The first and the second generation of romantic poets First generation features The first generation ( Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey). To a shorter period of optimism about French Revolution succeeds a longer period of despair, and pess ... |
La beat generation |
La beat generation Si deve, la definizione beat generation, da Jack Kerouac, poich lui che la ha inventata e individuata e poi lha descritta nei suoi libri. Il termine deriva da unespressione di Hunke, scrittore amico di Ginsbe ... |
La Beat Generation |
La Beat Generation Negli Stati Uniti, durante gli anni 60/70, accadde una delle pi grandi rivoluzioni culturali mai avvenute nella storia; una rivoluzione che non tocc soltanto la letteratura, ma anche la musica, larte e la filosof ... |
Tesina sulla Beat Generation “In viaggio con Jack” |
Tesina sulla Beat Generation In viaggio con Jack INGLESE: On the road di Jack Kerouac. FILOSOFIA: Jean- Paul Sartre dallesistenzialismo negativo al marxismo. STORIA : Lassassinio di Kennedy. ITALIANO: La c ... |
The cultural context of the years after the first world war |
The cultural context of the years after the first world war Before talking about the cultural context I have to tell something about the political and social developments of this period. When Queen Victoria died, she was succeeded by he ... |
The first and the second generation of romantic poets |
The first and the second generation of romantic poets First generation features The first generation ( Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey). To a shorter period of optimism about French Revolution succeeds a longer period of despair, and pess ... |
The first half of the 19th century |
THE FIRST HALF OF THE 19TH CENTURY 1. The reforms the Government introduced under William IVs reign are: THE REFORM ACT s increased the number of electors and granted almost all members of the middle class the r ... |
The First World War |
The First World War In 1914 Britain declared war on Germany as she had invaded neutral Belgium. The conflict soon became worldwide and lasted four years. At the start the British army consisted of volunteers, but two years later men ... |
The first world war and the postwar period, the second world war |
THE FIRST WORLD WAR AND THE POSTWAR PERIOD The First World War broke out in Europe between Austria and Germany (the Central Powers) on one side, and England, France and Italy on the other. The American President was Woodrow Wil ... |