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Will Smith

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Scarica gratis Will Smith

Will Smith

Will Smith was born in Philadelphia in 1968 where he lives now. He was nicknamed 'Prince' by a high school teacher in reference to his regal attitude and ability to talk his way out of difficult situations. Will added 'Fresh' - from street slang meaning 'cool'. He met Jeff Townes (D.J Jazzy Jeff) at a party and they won a lot of prizes, for example they won two Grammy Awards for best Rap Performance, a Mtv Video Awards and an American Music Award for favourite Rap/Hip-Hop Artist. In 1991, they released Homebase and the duo was back in the Top 10 with the song "Summertime".

In 1993, Will Smith appeared in Six Degrees Of Separation and he released, with D.J Jazzy Jeff, their last LP: Code Red.In 1995 he acted in the movie "Bad Boys". In 1996, he acted in a movie called"Independence Day". In 1997 he acted in the movie Men in Black, of which he composed and sang the sound-track. Will Smith hit the Top 40 with the song "Men in Black" and topped the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Airplay chart for four weeks.

After He broke away from D.J Jazzy Jeff Will Smith won a MTV Video Music Award for Best Video From A Film ("Men in Black") and was nominated for Best Male Video, Best Choreography, and Best Special Effects and released Big Willie Style which was certified platinum. In the same year he married actress Jada Pinkett. In 1998, Will Smith won his first solo Grammy Award for Best Rap Solo Performance with the song "Men in Black" and hit the Top 10 with "Getting' Jiggy Wit It" and Will Smith and D.K Jazzy Jeff returned temporarily in the form of the LP, Greatest Hits.

In 2000, he acted in the movie "Wild West", which was named Worst Picture of 1999 at the Golden Raspberry Awards. The film's theme song ,however,"Wild Wild West' was named Worst Original Song. He acted in the film The Legend Of Bagger Vance with Matt Damon. Some time later he assumed the role of Muhammad Ali in a film about his life..

His Family

In 1993 he merried Sheree and in 1997 he married Jada PInkett. He had three children:

Willard C. 'Trey' Smith III, born in 1992 ( Mother: Sheree Zampino);

Jaden Christopher Syre born on July 8, 1998 (Mother: Jada Pinkett);

Willow Camille Reign born on October 31, 2000 (Mother: Jada Pinkett). Jada is an actress, singer, clothing designer, video director, and the lead singer/lyicist of the band Wicked Wisdom. She was Miss Maryland 1988.

Together, they established the Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation to fund charitable organizations in Baltimore, Philadelphia, and other cities. The focus of the foundation is on youth educational projects and urban, inner-city, family welfare.

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