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Tom jones

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Tom jones

Chapter 1=>mr allworthy find a baby

Mr allworthy,a gentleman who lives in somerset with his sister because his wife and children died,goes to bed and finds a baby sleeping between the sheets.

He decides to adopt him, after he discovers that the mother is jenny jones, a beautiful girlof the village, but she refuses to say who the father is.

Capitan blifil marries mrs allworth, mr allworthy's sister, and they have a child.

People in the village suspect that mr patridge.jenny jones's tom's father.

Mrs patrige knows about the story of her husband with jenny so she is very angry.

News about the argument between the  patridges reachs mr allworthy who orders to them to appear in front of him: he wants to know the truth about tom.

Mrs patridge says all about tom.

When mrs patridge dies mr patridge leaves the area.

Soon also capitain blifil and mrs allworthy.

Chapter 2=>tom's early adventures

The 2 children in mr allworthy house (tom and blifil) are very different.

One day tom goes to shoot in a forbiden area, mr wester's estate, with his friend george.

The owner finds him and tooks him at home for punishment.

Tom says to mr allworthy that he was alone in the forbiden area to protect the friend.

Next day blifil says to tom that he is a mendicant so tom pushes him.

In front of mr allworthy nobody belives in tom but all in blifil.

At that time mr allworthy knows that tom wasn't alone in the forbiden area but he doesn't punish him: he only protecs a friend.

Tom has a love affair with molly, a beautil girl, and they have a child.

One day tom saves sophia, mr wester's daughter that was falling from the horse.

Tom saves her but he also broke his arm so he has to stay in bed for a while to mr allworthy's house.

Chapter 3=>disaster strikes tom

Tom doesn't want to marry molly, his child's mother,

(tom in this period has a love affair with molly and they a child)because she refers sophia so he things to give her some money instead of the marriage.

Tom goes to says this to molly and he discvers that molly has another lover.

Mr allworthy falls ill so says to all the member of the household what he leaves for them.

Chapter 4=>mr wester commands a marriage

Sophia, mr wester's daughter, is in love with tom.

Mr wester and mr allworthy organise the marriage between sophia and blifil, this for political and economical purposes.

Sophia says to her parents about her love affair with tom, her parents are very upset so she discovers about the marriage with blifil.

Sophia doesn't want to marry him because she is in love with tom.

Mr allworthy gives some money to tom and sends him away from the house to break the love story with sophia.

Chapter 5=>on the road

On the road to bristol in an inn tom finds some soldiers.

He finds them very nice and he decides to join them.

He meets their captain at dinner.

He knows sophia and he says to tom that she is a good girl so there is an argument and tom is wounded.

Tom goes to a barber, a nice person.but the barber is very upset when tom says his name.

The barber is mr patridge, the true tom's father.

They decide to stay togheter so they live the inn and walk to gloucester.

On the road tom rescues a lady, mrs waters, and brings her to an inn.

Mrs waters was dirty because she was hurting by northeron, the soldier who hurted also tom at the dinner with the capitain.

Chapter 6=>tom's adventures with a traveller

Mrs waters, that she isn't waters's wife, are very grateful to tom for saving her so she invites him at dinner in her bedroom.

Soon tom forgets his love for sophia and goes to bed with her.

While sophia decides to escape to her house because she doesn't want to marry blifil.

Casually she goes in the same inn where there is tom.

She knows from patridge that tom at bed with another lady so she decides to let there for tom her muff so he will undestand that sophia was there.

Sophia then immeadiately leaves the inn.

When he wakes up tom sees sophia's he realises all!

In the same moment mr wester, sophia's father, arrives at the inn to look for her daughter.

Chapter 7=>the travellers arrive in london

Sophia travels very fast away from the inn.

On the way she finds her cusin, harriet fitzpatrick: she and sophia were good friens until she had run away to marry fitzpatrick.

Harriet now saus to sophia that fitzpatrick married her only for her money.

Harriet and sophia from now travel togheter.

In the evening they arrive to another inn: here they meet and irish man who offers them a lift to london on his carriage.

While sophia loses all her money and her notebook.

When they arrive in london sophia finds accomodation to a relative.

Tom and patridge take the same way of sophia and they find her money and her notebook so tom decides to go to sophia tom give them back sdo tom arrives in london bu for a series of problems and episodies tom can't give them back to sophia.

He recives an invitation for a mask party from a misterius woman.immeadeately he things that this misterius woman is sophia! !

Chapter 8=>city lovers

Tom goes to the mask party.. He is very excited because he things to see sophia.

At the party he meets a lady.he goes to her house because he things she is sophia but therehe discovers that the lady isn't sophia but lady bellastong.

He spends all the night with her and they meet other times next.

One evening tom goes to lady bellastong's house to meet her.but there he finds sophia (lady b. Was late and she didn't know that sophia was at home and not to the cinema).

Tom and sophia are very happy to meet and tom gives her the mney and her notebook: when lady bellastong arrives she gets furious about the story between tom and sophia.

Lord fellamar is in love with sophia and with the collaboration of lady bllastong tries to seduce her so tom loses sophia another time.

Chapter 9=>tom goes to prison

Mr wester is very angry because sophia doesn't want to merry mr blifil so he locks her in her bedrom.

One day in her meal sophis finds a secret letter from tom.

There is a fourius argument between mr westrer and his sister: she doesn't want that sophia stays lock in her bedroom likr to be in prison.

At the end mr wester let sophia goes with his sister.

Lady bellastong, mr wester's cusin, hates sophia because tom loves her.

Lord fellamar wants to marry sophia so with he collaboration of lady bellastong with arrested tom for a murder.

In prison tom recives a letter from sophia.

In the letter sophi writes him that she saw the letter for lady bellastong and she doesn't want to marry him.

The letter that sophia saw was a false proposal of marriage made by lady bellastong to take her revenge on the young couple: lady bellastong is very jeaulous of sophia and hates her.

Chapter 10=>mr wester commands another marriage

Sophia's aunt ,lady bellastong is still trying to persuade her to marry lord fellamar.

Sophia's maid sees tom's letter and tells about it to mr wester that becames fourius with sophia:he things that tom is a terrible murderer,a man not ood for sophia.

At the end tom discovers that mrs waters,the lady he slept with at upton inn ,is jenny jones.

Tom fears to have done an incest but at the end we discovers that jenny jones isn't the true toms mother and also patridge is the true tom's father and mr wester agrees to the marriage between tom and sophia.

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