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Leggi anche appunti:Ode on a grecian urn by john keatsODE ON A GRECIAN URN By John Keats Published in 1819 it was probably inspired The Aesthetic MovementThe Aesthetic Movement The word comes from a Greek word which means to perceive, Pronomi personali soggetto e complementoPronomi personali soggetto e complemento Personal pronouns subject and complement |
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Between 1919 and 1924 the European economy went through a period of stagnation, all the European countries that had been involved in the conflict were burdened with a heavy public deficit, caused by the vast military expenses, too.
The factors that had determined it had been the enormous investments in the fixed capitals of great industries and a reorganization of the productive systems.
Until 1928 the
Between 1925 and 1928 the value of the shares exchanged at Wall Street went up enormously.
On the 24th
October 1929 and again on the 29th, share prices on Wall Street ( the New York Stock Exchange) fell dramatically. This fall
became know as the Wall Street Crash and it led to the Depression, which hit
Actually production had
increased so much that it was impossible to find buyers both in
The causes of The Wall Street Crash are:
In the 1920s, share princes in the
Share prices went up because companies encouraged people to buy on credit. Hire purchase was easily available, but few people realised that it was very dangerous to go on selling on credit. Eventually people would not be able to make the repayments.
Some companies that people invested their money in were bogus; they simply did not exist. Other companies did not tell the truth. It was difficult for investors to know what they were buying.
Some Americans predicted that a crash was coming ,
but very few people took them seriously. Most people believed that the
The lives of Americans changed. All over
The expenditure, but the
crisis was not overcome.
At the presidential
election of 1932
The New Deal outlined the idea of a greater interest of the public institutions to the living conditions of the common citizen and a collective effort of federal organizations. It also included measures for the recovery and the control of the stock market.
This project fixed contributions and financing in order to realize numerous public works, such as: roads, dikes to prevent floods and energy production at low costs.
Farmers were given financial helps and were invited to limit their areas as to avoid excessive production.
The State itself promoted industrial activity and introduced social measures, such as assistance to the jobless, old-age pensions and particular care for children and mothers.
In 1934 the economic
situation began to improve.
John Maynard Keynes
revolutionized economics with his book "The General Theory of Employment,
Interest and Money" in 1936. This is the work that most influenced the
social and economic world in the 20th Century. It also stressed the new role of
government in our society, since Keynes thinks that only an active State intervention
in the economy can support employment. When the demand is insufficient the
State must diminish taxes and increase public expenditure, even if this
involves a balance deficit. This represents an evident breaking with the
classical school that supported the non-intervention of the State in the
economy and the rule of balancing the budget.
In the
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