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The microprocessor

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The microprocessor

The microprocessor A microprocessor is an elettronic device which can perform
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The microprocessor

A microprocessor is an elettronic device which can perform a range of basic logical function (and, or, addiction subtraction). The device contains all necessary computational ad control circuitry and memory and features which enable it to be programmed to perfom sequences of logical functions. The first microprocessor appeared at the beginning of the 1970s. They replace discrete logical devices and they are supplied from a number of component manufacturers. The microprocessor are commonly used as processor for most general purpose conputers. The microprocessor consist of a series of registers into wich binary data is stored and processed. The microprogram provide the order code set, it is stored in the control unit of microprocessor and invoke sequences of logical operations to make up the individual instruction of the order code. A microprocessor is described as a microprogrammed device because the microprogram offers machine code and even assembly code languages. The three basic unit of a microprocessor are: control unit, arithmetic and logic unit, store or memory. The control unit interprets and carries out ther instructions of the program progrm as held in the memory unit. It sometimes incorporate sthe clock. The arithmetic and logic unit performs mathematical calculations and makes logic decisions on the data fed to it from the memory unit. The memory unit holds the data instructions of the programs which have been fed into the microprocessor via the imput and output unit. The permanently stored programs that enable the digital computer functions.

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