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The importance of being ernest

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Scarica gratis The importance of being ernest


Jack Worthing, bold man from the strangers native, alive in country together with Cecily, an eighteen year-old girl on which manages the guardianship, and with the governess of this last, Miss Prism. Jack decides to go to London and to attend the city living rooms as Ernest introducing himself: he intends above all to visit the house of the friend Algernon Moncrieff, to the purpose to meet her cousin, the beautiful Gwendolen Fairfax, of which he wants to ask the hand. The young suffered this proposal of marriage, convinced also of the fact that her pretender calls Ernest, name that on her practices a particular charm. Meanwhile Algernon comes to know that the young Cecily has been submitted to the friend and, desiring to know her, it brings him in the country: after having discovered the address it introduces him in the house, affirming to be the smaller brother of Jack, and he succeeds in seducing Cecily. In the meantime the same Jack arrives, which is well soon reached by Gwendolen, definite to marry him despite the opposition of her mother, Lady Bracknell, hostile to the marriage since she has known that Jack is a foundling even if then adopted by a well-off family. Cecily and Gwendolen so they become friends but, confiding herself, they discover that the respective fiancés have lied on his own identity; nevertheless, after various quarrels among the four persons in love, all seems to level him. Of there to few, looking for her daughter Gwendolen, comes also in the country Lady Bracknell. It comes so to knowledge of the engagement of her nephew Algernon with Cecily and, sees the rich dowry of the girl, it approves without reservations it. To this point however it is Jack as guardian of the young girl, to refuse his own consent, at least until Lady Bracknell it will keep on opposing herself to his marriage with Gwendolen. The tangled story resolves only when the governess of Cecily appears, Miss Prism, in which Lady Bracknell recognises the woman that, many years before had disappeared bringing with itself the first-born child of her sister, Mrs Moncrieff: Jack, in fact, is not other that the most greater brother of Algernon and his true name is really Ernest. Resolved therefore all the doubts on his origins, Jack can  finally to marry GwendolenCecily becomes the wife of Algernon.

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