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Oliver Twist

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Scarica gratis Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist

Oliver Twist was born in a Workhouse, a place where all the poor people goes to have some food and help. His mother died after have looked at him for the first time.

When he was 9 he've been sold to an undertaker for 5 pounds. The undertaker liked Oliver but his wife hated him. Soon, Oliver ran away and went to London.

In that city he knew Dawkin, who introduced him in a gang of thieves, kept by Fagin. The thieves took a handkerchief of a man named Bronlow and ran away. Oliver couldn't escape and was arrested by a policeman. Bronlow didn't make him arrest and took him to his house. But for a Fagin's order Bill Sykes and Nancy took back the boy.

Oliver took part of a group robbery, but they couldn't steal anything and Oliver was injured by a gun shot: he returned to the house of the people they wanted to steal at and Maylie and her nephew Rose healed him. Fagin was searching for Oliver with Monks' help who seems to hate Oliver paricularly.

Nancy sad to Mrs Maylie that Sykes would kill Oliver, but Bill understood what she've done and kill her. The thieve was chased by a large crowd of people and escaping but when he was on the roof he slipped and fell, the loop he made to escape caught round his neck and he died. Mr Bronlow made Fagin and his gang arrest, he talked with Monks and understood he was Oliver's brother. Their father would leave them the money and Monks tried to kill Oliver to have more money. Beside Rose Maylie was Oliver's aunt and they adopted him.

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