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The dance

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Scarica gratis The dance

    The dance is a way of expression that, refusing the use of the word, puts in evidence the language of the body. Such language, universally known, it allows to express particular feelings, through one or more movements of the body, that find their origin in a push that stimulates both the mind and the body.

The ballet is the most ancient kind of dance that can be studied in the academies.. and its history is really fascinating, thinking to about as it evolved in the time. Its origin cames from courtiers dances in the Renaissance. At the beginning all the dancers were men and the first woman danced for the first time on the stage it in 1681.

Towards the end of the '700 the dance started to have strong accelerations. In the '900 were founded the School of American Ballet, later the Ballet Society it will become the New York City Ballet.. one of the greatest and famous schools all over the world. All the footsteps of the ballet were published for the first time in France, and it is therefore French the international language for it. Today in the academies, besides the principal lessons, the dancers take part to special lessons for the technique of the pas de deux, or of the dance in couple.

The great centers of the Italian ballet are represented by the 'Scala' in Milan, by the Theater 'Opera' in Rome and by the Theater "San Carlo" of Naples.

    Also the cinema has used this kind of show, to make films of great success and to create a sort of spectacular vision of the dance. Hollywood and Brodway have also become place of the cinema and the musical thanks to the dance. Among my favourite films there are Dirty Dancing, film that speaks about dance and love, of which we remember its sound track , that all of us sing under the shower. There are also 'Save the Last dance', story of a young dancer that abandons the dance because she's disappointed by life, but then she will be helped by a young man , of she will fall in love with. This film is particularly beautiful because it joins , two different kind of music, the classical dance and the hip hop.

But particularly, my favourite film is 'a time for Dancing', a touching story of a ill girl, that up to its last day of life she has wanted to dance. This film is stupendous integrated to the sound track of Elisa 'dancing', which speaks of the importance of the dance, comparing it to soap boubble, that flies light, and to fly at the top across the music it is only reason of life.

     The dance is all of my life. Since I was a child, I looked at the dancers dreaming to become one of them.

I've been dancing for ten years, and dance has become part of me and of my life: when I feel down or nervous, dance helps me to relax . Across it movements, I have been able to transmit to the public, what there was inside me, and it was difficult for me to transmit it with the words. When I climb on the stage, and in front of me there are a lot of people, I'm full of energy , and I try to give all myself, I try to transmit to the public what I feel when I dance, my passion and my love for the dance.

When I dance, I feel strong and invincible, I feel happy and free.

When I move my body on a stage I feel that life cannot destroy me and that I am stronger than it.. when I dance I manage in putting aside, my fears and my


    My idol, is Roberto Bolle. . he was born in Casale Monferrato. When he was extremely young he entered the Theatre La Scala ballet school

Since then, he has starred in many contemporary and classical ballets such as Cinderella , Swan Lake, The Nutcracker ,Romeo and Juliet..etc

He has danced with the Royal ballet, the Opera Theatre in Rome, and the San Carlo Theatre in Naples .

In October 2000 he opened the season at Covent Garden Opera House in London performing Swan Lake, In June 2002, on the occasion of the Golden Jubilee, he danced at Buckingham Palace in the presence of the Queen

During the season 2003/2004 he was promoted to Etoile at La Scala Theatre.

He has danced with a lot of famous dancers as Alessandra Ferri and Carla has been thanks to them, that I have started to love the dance.

Roberto, it isn't only a beautiful boy and a good dancer, he knows how to transmit his love for the dance.

When he dances in his eyes there is the desire to please, and then be able to transmit his emotions. I have seen many his shows in tv, and he is really spectacular. He has moved me.

If I ever met him, I would ask him to help me, to be like him, and if he, ask me 'How? ' I would answer, ' that is to be a God in earth'.

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