The rise of the novel and his characteristics
is always linked to the historical social and economic background of a country.
Eighteen century was an age of prosperity, commerce, agriculture and industry
expanded enormously increasing the national wealth; in politics Parliament
became more and more powerful after bloodless revolution, ensured political liberty and freedom of speech. The
religious struggle of the previous age ended with the Toleration Act of 1689.
The middle classes became stronger and stronger. Literature was no longer under
the patronage of the Court; writers supported trough their works politicians
and statement in political controversies getting influence and fame while the
reading public which was going wader and wader, aloud them financial returns
and social states.
The novel was the best achievement of the 18th
literature because it's the form which most fully reflects the taste of the
time, the new tendency of culture and the exceptions of the reading public . In this century the
novel, whose primary criteria were independence from the tradition of past
thought and faith only in the individual experience , always unique and
therefor new , is this the logical
literary vehicle of a culture which has
set and an enormous value on realism
, on originality and individualism .The realism of the novel is
part of a much larger movement involving the end of the medieval world ,and a
post Renaissance view of men as an individual. Modern realism in fact is based
on the firm conviction that truth can be discovered by men through his senses .
Personal experience takes the places of collective tradition as the ultimate
arbiter of reality. Realism now denotes a belief in the individual apprehension
of reality through the senses , which is original ( original with the meaning
of " independent , underived , first hand ) .So a novel is a original representation of a reality as it appears to the individual
. To a comply this new literary form, novelists needed some formal innovations.
First of all they didn't take their plots from mythology, history legends or
previous literature. Their interests rested on reality. The plot and the actors
were placed in a new literary prospective: the plot had to be acted by
particular people in particular circumstances, rather than by general human tips
in a conventional literary background. To stress that the characters were to be
regarded as particular individual in the contemporary social environment and
not as general type, the novelists of this time used authentic proper names and
surnames such as Robinson Cruse or Panel or Tom Jones. The rejected the names, widely
used by previous writers (Sidney, Spencer),which
carried foreign archaic or literary connotations without referring to real and
contemporary life. Another brake with the tradition was the fact that they didn't
accept the celebrated unites of time, space and action.
The new contents of the novel needed a type of
language which suited it better. The figurative language with his bulk of rhetoric
and eloquence widely used for romances was going to be substituted for a
simpler kind of expression: it was a means to tell feelings not away to show
the author's skill. Eighteen century's novelists used a language that was a
close correspondence between words and objects; in this way they could achieve immediacy
and authenticity as the novel was no more than a transcription of real life;
but in the pursuit of this aim, Defoe and Richardson were sometimes inaccurate
and traditionalists writers. The success of the novel was due to the increasing of the
reading-public. This process was helped by circulating libraries, the low
prices of subscription, the role played by women readers, who became more and
more numerous. This last aspect was the reason why a crowd of female characters
are to be found in the novels. The dominance of the middle-classes in the
reading-public who decide a simpler form of literature accounts for the style
and the subjects of the novel. Free from the weight of the literary past, Defoe
and Richardson express in their work the great power and self-confidence of the
middle classes. Their most important characters are from this social stratum,
whose tastes and ideals they foully reflect.