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Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet

AUTHOR William Shakespeare (1564-1616).

Figlio di John, un agiato commerciante appartenente alla federazione dei pellai, e di Mary Arden. Frequentò per un certo tempo la Grammar School; a 18 anni sposò Anne Hathaway, da cui ebbe tre figli: Hamnet, Judit e Susanna. Nel 1594 è socio dei Men (la compagnia teatrale che sotto Giacomo I si chiamerà dei King's Men). Nel 1609 la compagnia di Shakespeare (che nel 1599 aveva aperto il teatro The Globe) inizia a recitare nel teatro coperto di Blakfrias; nel 1610 circa si ritira a Stratford dove trascorre gli ultimi anni. Prima di affermarsi nell'ambiente teatrale, W.S. fece anch'egli le sue prove di narratore in versi con Venus and Adonis (1593, Venere e Adone) e Lucrece (1594. Lucrezia).

Una delle sue opere  teatrali più conosciute è Romeo and Juliet ( 1594 - 1595, Romeo e Giulietta).

EDITED BY La Spiga-Easy Riders

CHARACTERS Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, the young lover;

the Montagues and Capulets families, fierce rivals;

Sampson and Gregory( servants of the Capulet family),

Abram and Balthasar (servant of the Montague family),

Benvolio (Montague's nephew), Prince Escalus ( the

highest representative of political justice in Verona),

the Nurse of Juliet, Friar Lawrence (Romeo's

confessor), Mercutio (Romeo's friend),Tybalt of the Capulet,

Count Paris (the Juliet's lover).

PLOT This story is about the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet, two young lovers who

lived in Verona, a city in Northern Italy. Their families, the Montagues and the

Capulets were fierce rivals. Romeo was a Montague and Juliet was a Capulet.

Tybalt, a hot-blooded Capulet arrived at the fight whit Montague. The officers,

old Capulet and his wife, old Montague and his wife, all came and took part

in the fight. Suddenly, Prince Escalus, the highest representative of political justice

in Verona, arrived. He was very angry and called them all beats who were

disturbing the quiet of the city. After a few question Benvolio discovered that Romeo

was in love with a girl called Rosaline but she did not love him. Meanwhile, Count

Paris was talking to Capulet, Juliet's father about the possibility of his marriage

to Juliet. "I give a feast" Capulet said and Rosaline goig to it; Romeo decided

to go to the feast just to see his beloved Rosaline. That evening Romeo and Benvolio

went to the feast at Capulet's house. They were wearing masks so as not to be

recognized. Romeo had fallen instlanty in love with the young, sweet Juliet.

He spoke to Juliet and revealed his love for here. Juliet had also fallen in love.

They kissed but the nurse arrived and interrupted them. After the feast Nurse said:

"His names is Romeo Montague. He is the only son of your greatest enemy".

That night Romeo went to Juliet's house, He stood beneath her balcony.

"Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your name and take all myself."

Romeo went at once to visist Friar Lawrence, a Franciscan monk know to both

Juliet and Romeo's confessor. He's a learned herbalist, was picking fresh herbs

in his garden when Romeo arrived. He was more surprised and alarmed when

Romeo asked him to marry with Juliet. Romeo, now happy that the friar had

agreed to help them, was with Benvolio and another friend, Mercutio.

Juliet, said Romeo, should visit Friar Lawrence that afternoon, and they would

be married there. After Romeo to climb up to Juliet's room on their wedding

night.Later that afternoon, benvolio, mercitio end tybalt broke out in the streets

of Verona. Mercutio challenged Tybalt and in the fight, Tybalt woundig Mercutio

and he died. Romeo promised revenge and Tybalt was killed. The Prince

banished Romeo. The Nurse said to Juliet that Tybalt had been killed by Romeo

who was now forbidden to remain in the country on pain of deat.

Juliet's parents decide that Juliet marriage to Count Paris.

Juliet decide to turn to Friar Lawrence for help.The friar gave her a potion.

She drink it when she went to bed.She would feel a cold dead sensation

and would remain apparently dead for forty-two hours. The family would,

of course, place her in the family tomb. The Friar would write to Romeo but

Romeo didn't read the letter. He, awaiting news in Mantua, learned from

His servant that his Juliet was died. He was full of grief and went to an apothecary's

To ask him for a deadly poison to take to end his life. Romeo go to the tomb,

embraced his young wife, drank the poison and lay beside Juliet. But Juliet awoke.

She kissed him hoping that some poison still remained on his lips. In the end

She took his dagger and plunged it into her heart.

So the tragic story of a family feud was ended by the deaths of two innocent,

young lovers.

COMMENTS  "Romeo and Juliet" is a very beautiful and tragic story; I like it.

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