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Stevenson (1850 - 1894)

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Scarica gratis Stevenson (1850 - 1894)

STEVENSON (1850 - 1894)

The novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hide has a multi-narrational structure, in which a complex series of points of view is presented. There are four narrators through whom the whole action is seen and filtered: Enfield, Utterson, Lanyon and Dr Jeckyll himself. Utterson has the role of a detective and he is very much in line with Sherlock Holmes. He has a strange relationship with his relative Enfield and all this is a symbolic allusion to the theme of the double, in fact the walks of these two very different men may be a metaphor for the incongruos elements of their personality, which man must accept to live with and which Jeckyll refuses. The theme  of the ambivalence is reinforced by the symbolism of Jeckyll's house, whose two façades are symbolically the two opposite sides of the same man: the front of this house, used by the doctor, is fair; while the rear side, used by Hide, is 'part of a sinister block of buildings, which showed no windows'. Mr Hide is deformed and smaller than Dr Jeckyll and we can interpret it as the evil part is a small part of the human feelings. When Dr Jeckyll becomes Mr Hide, he becomes able to satisfy all his hidden wishes. Originary Dr Jeckyll is a good man and he has faith in progress, but he dares too much. Mr Utterson is the typical mid victorian man and the difference between him and Dr Jeckyll is that the first accepts the compromise, while the second doesn't accept the role imposed by society. There are many gothic elements such as the sense of mistery, fear and the presence of a monster, which is Mr Hide, so it can be connected with Frankenstein of Mary Shelley. It can also be considered a scientific novel, in fact there is a laboratory. Stevenson drew inspiration for the description of Hide from Darwin's studies. Hide may be both the primitive, since he is described in terms of grotesque animal imagery, and the symbol of repressed psycological drives. Jeckyll has, in fact, projected his hidden pleasures in Hide, so Dr Jeckyll is as guilty as Mr Hide. Thus, Jeckyll is a kind of 'Victorian Faust' and his awareness is a sort of pact with an interior evil that controls and guide him. Plot: the protagonist is a man divided against himself in a respectable being, Jeckyll, and in an evil genius, Hide; these two beings are in perpetual struggle and it is the same act of secret chemistry that releases Hide and restores Jackyll. When the Hide part has achieved domination over the Jeckyll aspect, the individual has only two choices. On the one hand, the man may plunge into a life of crime and depravity, or, on the other hand, the Jeckyll aspect, must eliminate Hide in the only way left: by killing him. Hence Jeckyll's self-murder is the final and only choice. Therefore, Stevenson implies that man's salvation is based on the annihilation of on part of his nature if hi lives in a civilized society.

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