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Robinson Crusoe: the plot

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Scarica gratis Robinson Crusoe: the plot

Robinson Crusoe: the plot

Robinson Crusoe was born in York, where he was educated, in 1632. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but Robinson's only desire was to travel along the sea.

When he was nineteen he left home without asking permission and became his long journey. At first, he stopped in Guinea where some natives gave him gold in change of some objects; then he went to Brazil, escaping from Turkish pirates. There he became a rich planter, but his wandering soul brought him to the sea again.

So he left Brazil with other planters, but during the journey a terrible storm caught them and everybody died, except him. He was transported by the sea to an island: later he found that he was all alone, that's why he kept two cats and a dog to talk with someone, even if they were not human beings. He swam to the ship and got as many things as he could and with them he built a house and made some instruments to make his life more comfortable on that island. He also decided to write a diary but the ink finished too soon to complete it.

After fifteen years he found a footprint on the shore and three years later he found some human bones: he finally found out that there were cannibals on the island! After a long period when he didn't know what to do, he finally attacked the cannibals and saved their prisoner: he decided to call him Friday in memory of the day he saved him from death and kept him as a servant. A few years later they saved two prisoners and one of them was Friday's father.

A day a ship came on the island but the crew mutinied themselves against the captain; Robinson and Friday killed the crew and set free the captain; this one, to thank them, brought Robinson back to England after twenty-eight years.

When he came back he found that his parents died, he decided to get married and he had three children. When his wife died, he spent his last years travelling around the world and when he was seventy-two he came back to London to die in his hometown. He also came back to his island and he found out that Friday, who stayed there, was killed by native people.

In his life, Robinson learnt to appreciate solitude, courage, strength and peace.

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