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Scarica gratis Globalization


When coming to use the term "globalization" we usally refer to a complex economic phenomenon for wich the world as a whole isshould be could be an unic market, in which there is a exchange of goods-meant as financial estates, real goods and services-following the rules of mechanism of demand and supply an fixation of price whereas those variables meet (liberism and neo-liberism).

Globalizatione,which with is multinational enterprises and joint ventures can be seen as an internationalization of capitalism, needs, and in the mean time gives rise to, an increasing omologation in the world-wide level of the demand of real goods, a standardizazion of anthropoligical-cultural behaviours, a crisis of the Nation-State and its sovereignty

It needs an integration in the world-wide level of activities and targets of enterprises having to supply to always more global demands but it also having to safety purchasers eventual particular requirements:"think global, act local", from which the neologism "glocal".Globaization, which implies delocalization of work, so that the same work is requested and transported from a place to another in the earth depending on the convenience, wouldn't be praticable whithout the presence of quick communications (internet). By the way, it can be in fact noted how just the informatic techniques, not only making information pass but also determining and reinforcing demands, make, in their turn, delocalization of virtual work possible, moving it quickly from a zone to another in the world, always following the mechanism of demand and supply and price.

Historically speaking, globalization is the last phase, because it comes after the other, not because it is definitive, of modernization that, begun with the discovery of America, has passed through various moments ceracterized by capitalist system, which, in its evolution, has affirmed it self now and days as the referral standard model against other possible model.

Unification in the world, by the tendencial point of view of an unic market, does not delete (many scholars instead think it favours) disparuties among its areas or those in the single entities: it happens because economic mechanisms in a liberistic point of view do not depend on social rebalance not on resources. Just think of actual crisis of Welfare State, caused by the economic internationalization and the neo-liberism that distinguishes it.

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