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Edgar Allan Poe and importance of journal

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Scarica gratis Edgar Allan Poe and importance of journal

Edgar Allan Poe and importance of journal

Edgar Allan Poe was one of the most important American writer on the ninenteen century.He is considered the father of macabre and mistery tales and one of the creators of science fiction genre.

Poe was born in 1809 in a family with irish and Scottish origins.His father abandoned the family after he was born and his mother died a year later.After this tragedy, Poe was adopted by a merchant, called John Allan.Poe chose the name "Allan" like a sign of respect to Joh and his family.He studied in England beaucase In 1820 he moved back in America and he ent to the famous Jefferson university.In this period Poe ignored all rules of university, and finally he leaves studies and enlisted in the Usa Army.After He went to his aunt, in Baltimore:In this period Poe turned his attention to prose , and placed a few stories with a Philadelphia publication. He also began work on his only drama, Politian. The Saturday Visitor, a Baltimore paper, awarded a prize in October 1833 to his The Manuscript Found in a Bottle. The story brought him to the attention of John P. Kennedy, a Baltimorian of considerable means. He helped Poe place some of his stories, and also introduced him to Thomas W. White, editor of the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond. Poe became assistant editor of the periodical in July 1835. Within a few weeks, he was discharged after being found drunk repeatedly. Returning to Baltimore, he secretly married Virginia, his cousin, on September 22, 1835. She was 13 at the time.Reinstated by White after promising good behavior, Poe went back to Richmond with Virginia and her mother, and remained at the paper until January 1837. During this period, its circulation increased from 700 to 3500.[5] He published several poems, book reviews, criticism, and stories in the paper. On May 16, 1836, he entered into marriage in Richmond with Virginia Clemm, this time in public.

The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym was published and widely reviewed in 1838. In the summer of 1839, Poe became assistant editor of Burton's Gentleman's Magazine. He published a large number of articles, stories, and reviews, enhancing the reputation as a trenchant critic that he had established at the Southern Literary Messenger. Also in 1839, the collection Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque was published in two volumes. Though not a financial success, it was a milestone in the history of American literature, collecting such classic Poe tales as

'MS. Found in a Bottle', 'Berenice', 'Ligeia' and 'William Wilson'. Poe left Burton's after about a year and found a position as assistant at Graham's Magazine.After he returned to New York, where he worked briefly at the Evening Mirror before becoming editor of the Broadway Journal, but it failed in 1846.

The Tell-Tale Heart' is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, which was first published in James Russell Lowell's The Pioneer in January 1843; Poe republished it in his periodical The Broadway Journal for August 23, 1845. It is widely considered a classic of the Gothic fiction genre and is one of Poe's most famous short stories.

'The Tell-Tale Heart' is a first-person narrative of a genderless narrator who is taking care of an old man with a clouded, vulture-like eye. The narrator's paranoid symptoms lead to an irrational fear of the weird clouded eye. The narrator becomes so distressed by the eye, he plots to murder the old man. For eight nights, the narrator opens the door of the old man's room, a process which takes him a full hour, watching and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. However, the old man's eyes are shut, hiding the clouded eye, and the narrator loses the urge to kill.One night, though, the old man awakens as the narrator watches, revealing the eye. The narrator strikes, smothering the old man with his own mattress. The narrator proceeds to chop the body up, and hide the pieces under the floorboards. The narrator then cleans the place up to hide all signs of the crime. When the narrator reports that the police (whether a delusion or real is unclear) respond to a call placed by a neighbor who heard a distressful scream, the narrator invites them to look around, confident that they will not find any evidence of the murder. They sit around the old man's room, right on top of the very hiding place of the dead body, yet suspect nothing.The narrator, however, begins to hear a faint noise. As the noise grows louder, the narrator hallucinates that it is the heartbeat of the old man coming from under the floorboards. This paranoia increases as the officers seem to pay no attention to the sound, which is loud enough for the narrator to admit to having heard. Shocked by the constant beating of the heart and a feeling that the officers must be aware of the heartbeats, the narrator loses control and confesses to killing the old man and tells them to tear up the floorboards to reveal the body.

Throughout the story the narrator insists on being sane, yet at the same time, giving the impression of serious hallucinations or paranoia, possibly caused by guilt from having murdered an elderly man.

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