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Summary of all 7parts of ancient rime of marine

Animal Farm - Summary, Characters / Symbolism
Animal Farm Summary The story takes place on a farm somewhere in England. The story is told by an all-knowing narrator in the third person. The action of this novel starts when the oldest pig on the farm, Old Major, calls all animals to a se ...
Othello Plot Summary
Othello Plot Summary Principal Characters: Othello: the Moor of Venice Desdemona: his wife Iago: Othello's ensign Cassio: Othello's lieutenant Emilia: Iago's wife Iago, an ensign serving under Othello, Moorish commander of ...
Paradise lost ~ milton's summary
PARADISE LOST ~ MILTON'S SUMMARY In 1667 John Milton bestowed (some overtaxed students might say 'inflicted') his great masterpiece, Paradise Lost, upon the world. In 1674 the revised second edition was published, where he divided ...
ROBINSON CRUSOE by Daniel Defoe Summary
ROBINSON CRUSOE by Daniel Defoe Summary Robinson Crusoe was born in 1632; his parents are German, and left their hometown of Bremen to settle in Hull, in England. They are middle-class, and Robinsons father strongly suggests a m ...
Summary of 'Hamlet'
Summary of 'Hamlet' The ghost of the death king appears to Horatio and the guards. It was wearing full armour, and seemed about to speak, but then walked off, apparently offended by Horatios words. Marcellus asks Horatio why Den ...
Summary of the English book: PSYCHO, Robert Bloch
Summary of the English book: PSYCHO Author: Robert Bloch Genre: horror Characters: -        Marion Crane -        Sam Loomis -   &nbs ...
Summary of the play “AN IDEAL HUSBAND” by Oscar Wilde
Summary of the play AN IDEAL HUSBAND by Oscar Wilde An ideal husband is a play written by Oscar Wilde. The story is set in London, at the end of XIX century. The events start at a party at Sir Robert Chilterns house. Robert Chi ...
Summary of “The Tempest”
Summary of The Tempest Prospero, an old man, Duke of Milan, and his daughter, Mirando, lived on an certain island in the sea. Their house was a cave in the rock, where prospero had also his study, infact he had a lot of magic books beacus ...
“romeo and juliet” summary
ROMEO AND JULIET Summary In Verona a feud has broken out between the families of the Montegues and the Capulets. Romeo, the Montegues heir, is in love with Rosaline, who has vowed to remain chaste for the rest of her life. He ...

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