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Summary of the English book: PSYCHO, Robert Bloch

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Scarica gratis Summary of the English book: PSYCHO, Robert Bloch

Summary of the English book:


Author: Robert Bloch

Genre: horror


Marion Crane

Sam Loomis

Mr Cassidy

Mr Lowery

Norman Bates

Ms Bates

Lila Crane

The detective Arbogast

The sheriff Chambers


The protagonist of this story is Marion Crane, a secretary from Phoenix, Arizona. She is in love with Sam Loomis, who lives far away in Fairvale, Texas. She wants to marry him, but Sam cannot marry her because he doesn't have enough money. One day Mr Cassidy, an rich, unpleasant, greedy old man, came to Mr Lowery's office, where Marion worked. He sat down on Marion's desk and he waved in front of Marion's face a packet of money with $40,000 inside. They were for his daughter's wedding day. He put the money on the desk and left the office. Mr Lowery told Marion to take them to the bank after work. Marion decided to left the office immediately because she had a terrible headache and later she had to go home. Driving to the bank, Marion began to think that with all that money she was able to marry Sam. So she stole the money, put them in an envelope and drove away from Phoenix. It was a long, dangerous journey of two days. The second night it was raining and Marion got lost not far from Fairvale. She was driving on a desert road and arrived at  Bates Motel. Next to the motel, on a hill, there was an old house. In the house there was a light in a window with the shadow of a woman. A young man run from the house to the motel. His name was Norman Bates, he explained to Marion that the motel was his and the shadow was of his old, sick mother, then he gave Marion a room. Marion went into the room took of her clothes and had a shower. In the same moment Norman was looking at her from a hole in the wall. Suddenly, Norman's mother came into the motel, into Marion's room and kill her with a silver knife while she was having the shower. Norman felt sink when he saw all that blood . He wash the room quickly, put Marion's body in to a black curtain, put it into her car with all her things and drove it into a near swamp.

One week later, Sam Loomis, Lila, Marion's sister, and the detective Arbogast discovered that Marion was lost with the $40,000 she stole. The day after Arbogast started the search of the woman in all the hotels near Fairvale. Finally he arrived at Bates Motel. He talked with Norman but he didn't discover anything. He wanted to talk with his mother too but Norman didn't permit it. Later, hoping that Norman wasn't watching him, he climbed the hill and went inside the house, but here Ms Bates killed the man with her silver knife. In the same moment Lila and Sam were waiting forArbogast's return. He was late, so they decided to go to find the detective. They didn't find him at the Motel so they went to the sheriff. Here they discovered that Ms Bates was dead. Lila and Sam returned to the old house on the hill and at the end they realised everything: Ms Bates was Norman Bates and he was Marion and Arbogast's killer. In fact he was half Norman and half his mother. His mother's side was jealous of Norman, so she killed the girls he liked and wanted like Marion.

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