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Who are the talebans

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Who are the talebans


The word Taleban in Arab means "students". In fact, they are the student of the Coran. Guided from the mullah Mohammed Omar, the group of muslim Sunnites is emerged in 1994, from the koranic Schools of Pakistan. In 1996 they have occupied the capital Kabul and now they control the greater part of the country. The Talebans have tax and a regim is based on an interpretation much strict of the law Muslim, the Sharia. The punishments of crimes comprises corporal amputation and capital punishments, some times without any process. They are object of international critics and having given to shelter to the rich saud Osama bin Laden, considered the head of the international terrorism, has made yes that the country cam subordinate to endorsements from part of the UN. The talebans have been sourly criticized also in occasion of the destruction of the build of Buddha, going back to two thousand years ago, dug in the cliff close to the city of Bamiyan. The regimen of the Talebans has been only recognized from three States: Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and The United Arab Emirates.

Who is Mohammed Omar

Mohammed Omar is a man lacking in the skillful eye and with the black beard. He is the spiritual leader of the talebans in Afghanistan, second the description of the little people who have seen it. Mohammed Omar is in fact the more classified leader who knows itseelf. Eh Been born in 1959 from a poor family in a small village called Nodeh, and now he lives in isolation in Kandahar and does not exist any photography of him in the world. Any infedel has never seen him, to exception of the enveoy of the UN in special mission in Afghanistan during October of the 1998 and the Chinese ambassador in Pakistan Lu Shulin. The same Muslims who have been able he to see are least on a popilation of beyond 25 million people. This passion for the mistery and the habit to hide himself and living in the shadow, didn't prevent he to take the power in him hands in a land with the ware and that it lives more close in conditions much to the Middle Age that to XXI° Century.

The Koranic school

The legend of the life of Mohammad Omar tells that before to join to the mojahedin and fighting against the Soviet occupation, it has become mullah of him village and has founded one of the Koranic school called "madrassa". Its rise began after the defeat of the soviet in the '92, when the wars intestimate between opposite factions of mojahedin exstaused the lands, who falled in the hands of the talebans. For two years the mojihadin fought between him, reducing the capital in a cumuls of tuins. Many people escaped in close Pakistan, fell the governement and the Afghanistan was "broken" in a lot of feuds in fighting between them. One tells that to beginning of th 1994 Omar thirty enlisted "talibs" - than in language pashtu means students - in order to free two girl who had been kidnapped from their village and violentated from a command of mojahedin. "We fight against the Muslims who are themsekves removed from the raight way. We cannot allov that similar crimes are committed towards the woman and the poor", sai Omar to the Pakistans journalist who intervisted him in its hiding place

The rise to the power

Little little the grouo grew and taken more and more power. It began with the taken one of Kandahar, the second city of the Afghanistan, for enlarge to all the South of the country and therefore to the Nord, with the taken one of Heart in 1995. omar found also the support of Pakistan, expectant to see - establish the peace in the adiacent Country. In order ti take the Capital, Omar put us an other year but the 26 September of 1996 the Afghanistan fells in the hands of the Talebans. In order to suceed in its enterprise, the mullah rerun to an action. One took control the sacred cape to the profet Maomet, from the reliquiary of Kandahar where it was remained for 60 years, and He was indroduced wrapped in the cape to the mullah reunited under he. The result was the proclamation of the Saint war against the government of the president of the Burhanuddin, while its followers established a new government.

The relationship with Bin laden

Le life in Afghanistan is many rigid of the laws is regulated from one Muslims. The women live from head to foot covered, and they cannot learn write and read, because she can not go to school, the man must carry the always long board and are annunced publicly photographies, television, music and every tipe of devertemet. The only wirelles programming is that one of the radio of State that transmits only to the reading of the verses of the corano and predicated the Mullah. In these days the crisis not renunciation to giving support to Osama bin laden is said that Omar has left him hiding place to Kandahar for to go in the mountains. "Currently - talk rashid - he is more employee he from bin Laden of how much is not bin Laden from he. The Saudi terrorist has contacts with all the world and an inner turn of witch hour it makes part also Omar."

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