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Travel Agencies and Tour Operators

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Scarica gratis Travel Agencies and Tour Operators

Travel Agencies (= RETAILER)

Travel agency is a link between the general public and a service.

They are a link between Tour Operator and the customers.

They can operate as intermediaries between customers and suppliers of services, they can also organize tourist service on specific request.

They have basic services and additional services.


Transport: they take bookings or sell tickets on behalf of the transport companies

Accommodation: they take bookings or sell hotel services

Independent tours: they organize holidays tailor made to groups' or customers'

Package tours: they sell package tours

Sightseeing and excursion tours*: they organize tours in cities or excursions

Transfers: they arrange transfer services from/to airport - station

Car hire: they arrange car rentals on behalf of companies


Assinsting customers with passport visas and health regulations

Arranging insurance coverage for a variety of risks

*They organize tours of one day or half-day such as sightseeing tour (it's a tour arranged by them to visit places of interest in a city) and excursion tour (it's a tour arranged by them to visit places of interest near a city)

Tour Operators (= WHOLESALER)

A TO organizes package tours and city break*, he advertise also the holiday through attractive brochures which are are supplied to travel agencies.

Package tours: they are ready made holidays that customers can't change, they are sold at a fixed price and may include transport, transfers, accommodation, visits, meals, tour leader or guide

Brochures: they give details on all aspects of the holiday including the prices, they are very important tools for TOs as they influence customers and help them choose among the various offers on the market

Catalogues: they are brochures without the prices

*City break it's a tour which has a city as destination, it includes transport, transfer, hotel accommodation and a service of a local representative, it may includes also sightseeing and excursion

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