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Leggi anche appunti:Prehistory and History of ComputersPrehistory and History of Computers The origins of the computer are very recent (the Victorian drama 1837-1901VICTORIAN DRAMA 1837-1901 The Victorian Age witnessed the emergence of Write a composition about :The metaphor of travellingWrite a composition about :The metaphor of travelling Travel is one of the |
For Americans, democracy means more than majority rule . It also means minority rights. A Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of speech and organization.
To prevent any
one politician or party from becoming too powerful, the powers of the Federal
Government are divided. The Congress
writes the laws. The President
carries out the laws and policies of the
Government. The courts enforce the laws, and are kept independent
so they can do this without political bias . The Supreme Court decides whether the laws themselves are
'constitutional' and legal, or 'unconstitutional' and
illegal. Many of these ideas came to
The American Constitution determines what
the Federal Government has the power to do, and what the 50 State governments
have the power to do. The Constitution was written in 1787, when the old
"confederation" of American Colonies (which had united in 1770s, when they were
fighting against
All Americans
are citizens both of the
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