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The plantagenets

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Scarica gratis The plantagenets


This dynasty of kings reigned from 1154.

Henry Il

His reign was successful in restoring order: he reduced the power of barons and sent travelling judges, called common law, all over England to control if justice was done to a11 He also wanted to reduce Church power by corrupting Thomas Becket but he didn't succeed.

Richard the Lion heart

He spent a lot of his time conducting the 3rd Crusade: he increased both intellectual and commercial exchanges.

John Lackland

He levied higher taxes. So after few years he was forced by the barons to sign a document, called Magna Charta, which sign the first step of the constitution.

Henry III

In his reign begin the parliament. In 1265 he called a meeting of barons knights and representatives of each town.

Edward I

The parliament had been established. The council in 1295 included representatives of barons, clergy and commons (knights from each county and 2 citizen of each town).

Edward Il

He cared only for himself and he was probably murdered.

Edward III

He introduced the idea of chivalry: a set of value which knight had to observe. He founded the order of the Garter. During his reign began the Hundred Years' war against the France. In 1348 explode the bubonic plague. There was a complete disorganization of agriculture. His last year was characterized by religious reformist movement guided by Wycliffe.

Richard Il

The first parliament decided to levy a new tax called poll tax that caused the peasant' s revolt.

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