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"The Peggy Guggenheim Collection"

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"The Peggy Guggenheim Collection"

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is the most important museum in Italy for European and American art of the first half of the 20th century.  It is located in Peggy Guggenheim's former home, Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, on the Grand Canal in Venice.

Opened in 1951 by the niece of Solomon R Guggenheim, wealthy American industrialist and art collector, the museum presents Peggy Guggenheim's personal collection of 20th century art, masterpieces from the Gianni Mattioli collection, the Nasher Sculpture Garden, as well as temporary exhibitions.

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is owned and operated by the Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation, which also operates the Solomon R Guggenheim Museum, New York, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Deutsche Guggenheim Berlin, Guggenheim-Hermitage Las Vegas.

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection displays works originating from four separate sources:

  • The Peggy Guggenheim Collection (also known as the Permanent Collection)
  • The Gianni Mattioli Collection
  • The Patsy R and Raymond D Nasher Collection
  • Other works belonging to the Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation

The Permanent Collection

The Permanent Collection with over 300 images and objects includes masterpieces of Cubism, Futurism, Metaphysical painting, European Abstraction, Surrealism, and American Abstract Expressionism. Among the artists represented are Picasso The Poet, On the Beach Braque Duchamp (Sad Young Man on a Train), Léger Brancusi Maiastra, Bird in Space), Severini Balla Delaunay Kupka Picabia Very Rare Picture on the Earth Mondrian Kandinsky (Landscape with Red Spots No.2), Arp, Miró (Seated Woman II), Giacometti (Woman Walking), Klee (Magic Garden), Ernst, Magritte (Empire of Light), Dalì, Pollock (Moon Woman, Alchemy), Rothko, Calder, Moore, and MariniThe Collection also includes African and Oceanic objects. 

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is defined by the gift, by the listing by the State, by Angelica Rudenstine's catalogue raisonné and by the checklist printed at the back of the Collection handbook.

The Patsy R and Raymond D Nasher Sculpture Garden

The Patsy R and Raymond D Nasher Sculpture Garden of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection presents six works loaned by the Patsy R and Raymond D Nasher Collection located in Dallas, Texas as well as sculptures from Peggy Guggenheim's collection.  This collection includes sculptures by Ernst Giacometti Arp Richier Merz Moore Mirko Duchamp-Villon Minguzzi Burton Caro Gilardi, and Takis

The Gianni Mattioli Collection

Since September 1997, the museum has exhibited twenty-six paintings on long-term loan from the renowned Gianni Mattioli Collection.  The collection includes legendary images of Italian Futurism such as Boccioni's Materia and Dynamism of a Cyclist, Carrà's Interventionist Demonstration Russolo's The Solidity of Fog, and other works by Balla Severini (Blue Dancer), Sironi Soffici Rosai, and Depero. Early paintings by Morandi and a portrait by Modigliani are also in this collection.

The US Pavilion at the Venice Biennale is supported by the Peggy Guggenheim Collection and is owned by the Solomon R Guggenheim Foundation.

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