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The Norman Conquest

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Scarica gratis The Norman Conquest

The Norman Conquest

On 1066 William The Conqueror (1066-1087) was crowned in Westminster Abbey.

With the Norman , the feudal system was introduced into England and barons and knights acquired great importance. William I twenty years after the conquest sent his men throughout England to examine the land and to make a complete survey of the economic life of the country.

As a register was born , the Domesday Book. It had two objectives : first to provide information for levy the property tax , and second to give the King information of England. William I relationship with the Church was goods he continued to pay the annual tax (Peter's Pence) to Rome and the Pope had give his blessing to the Norman but the King separated clerical and lay justice , he also enabled the English common low to develop with less interference from the clergy. During the reigns of William II (1087-1100) and Henry I (1100-1135) the gap between the conquered Anglo-Saxons and the conquering Normans decreased. And with the marriage between Stephen (henry I 's nephew) and Edit (the offspring of the Wessex king take place the reconciliation. Stephen I was the last Norman king.

- William I    (1066-1087) - introduced the feudal system

- survey of the land and the economic life

( Domesday Book)

- levy the property tax

- pay the Peter's Pence the annual tax to Rome

- separated the clerical and the lay justice

- William II (1089-1100)

- Henry I (1100-1135)

- Stephen (1135-1154)           - was the last Norman king

- married Edith (the offspring of Wessex king)

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