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The Iberians and Celts

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Scarica gratis The Iberians and Celts

The Iberians and Celts

200 b.C. The Iberians were the first population who settled in Great Britain.

They lived in shacks. they lived with cattle.

They discovered how to weave cloth. They also made vessels made of


They heap up the great burial mounds (or barrows).

They built great stone circle, probably for the worship of their gods.

They were dark and not tall.

Other people from the country came over and brought new tools (instruments), made of materials like gold, tin and copper.

Somebody discovered they could mix tin and copper, so the tools became harder. Then the knowledge spread and the people learnt about it.

700-600 b.C. The Celts arrived from north west Germany.

It was a population we could find in Europe for several century.

They were taller, bigger and fairer than the Iberians.

They were able to smelt and forge iron.

They spread and settled down.

They intermarried with the Iberians, so the distinction between the two races

disappeared (to fade out).

Then, some centuries after the Celts came over, arrived the Britons (in part Celts) from all the Europe.

They loved beauty and they decorated their pottery with designs.

150 b.C. There was a third big immigration: came over people from Belgic lands.

They were not real Celts, but they brought the iron ox plough. So they could

turn the soil in furrows, so became easier to cultivate lands.

Another new idea was organize religion worship: they had professional priests:

the Druids.

The Druids were teachers and judges. They claimed to be able to foretell the

future and to word off disasters.

In the Great Britain arrived voices about a great population: the Romans who controlled a big part of the south of Europe.


To settle insediarsi

Shacks capanne

Cattle bestiame

To weave tessere

Cloth tessuto

Vessel contenitore

Earthenware argilla

Heap up elevare

Burial mounds cumuli funerari

Worship adorazione

Tool attrezzo

Tin stagno

Copper rame

To spread diffondere

Fairer pił belli

Smelt fondere

Pottery stoviglie di terra cotta

Iron ox plough aratro

Furrow solco

Priest prete

To claim ritenere, sostenere

To foretell prevedere

To word off respingere

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