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Teen gangs in the USA

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Scarica gratis Teen gangs in the USA

Teen gangs in the USA

Having friends is a vital part of growing up. When we belong to a group of friends we share our ideas an experience with them, forming our personalities. Problems begin when the need to belong to a group is so strong that people are prepared to break the law in order to be accepted by the group, they use illegal weapons too.

Everyday gangs dosensless acts of violence against other young people.

The situation has become so drastic, a lot of towns and cities have curfew laws: teenagers under the age of 17 cannot be seen in public if they are not with an adult after 11 p.m.

For some experts, young people breack the law or use violence, for boredom or loneliness, other say it reflects the decline in traditional family values.

Sociologists say the problem is gratest in deprived areas where young people low levels of education, however violent gangs also exist in privileged areas.

In USA public opinion is divided on what methods to use to solve this problem.

Phone addiction

The mobile phone was invented in the USA in 1978.

The young people receive a mobile phone for their birthday or for Christmas.

It is very usal to see them walking along the street chatting on the phone.

Now there's a debate over mobile phone and teenagers considered to be a status symbol.

Parents often give mobile phone to their children as a present because in this way they can monitor them; but it can be dangerous if they chat while riding their motorcycle or can be irritating during lesson time.

Drug addiction

Today we often read about drugs in the daily papers or on tv.

Drug addiction is a serious social, medical and psicological problem for which it is difficult to find a solution.

Some years ago taking drugs was considered a form of protest against society but now many young people take drugs because they are urged on by their friends , their own curiosity or family problems.

They begin to take soft drugs and than they soon feel compelled to move on to stronger drugs.

One of the must common and dangerous drugs is heroin which can cause blood poisoning and can induce youngesters to take an overdose, there're also other cause: mental distrbances, ageing of the skin, baldness and rotten teeth.

Alcohol addiction

Drinking is considered a social problem more people are bocoming addicted to alcohol.

In britain you can drink only after 18.00 and there are also laws against DWI (driving while intoxicated)

Many people begin to drink, like smoking, is seen as a way of socializing and enjoyng themselves in their spare time.

In America and also in Britain some bars have happy hours when drinks are cheaper.

In many countrie there are organizations to help alcholics such as AA (alcoholics anonymous).

It's time to give up smoking

Smoking causes cancer, bronchitis, heart disease.

Nicotine addiction is aking to heroine dependency, which helps to explain why so many smokers can not give up smoking.

The only thing that matters about smoking is that it shortens one's life ; passive smoking can be letal.

Ecstasy: death at a low price

Ecstasy is the new disco killer.

This syntetic drug that looks like a common tablet, has a stimulant and hallucinogenic propeties.

The effect of ecstasy are very long- lasting: it can last up six hours.

If we add its effect to other stimulant agents, such as alchol and loud music we have a cocktail which becomes lethal when the user drives a car.

Ecstasy, together with other drugs, is also associated with "rave parties" : they are often organized in clubs or abandoned warehouses.

They feel free but unfortunatly this false freedom is often paid for with death.

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