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Software packages

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Scarica gratis Software packages

Software packages

Utility programs are programs that are part of the operating system that permit the handling of files. These packages can be bespoke designed, which means they are written for specific user to solve a specific problem, or bought off-the-shelf.

  1. Bespoke programs: it's created for a specific user to solve a specific problems
  2. Program bought off-the-shelf they can be bough in hops and they are created for the general public

Specific they can solve specific problem for general public

General they are more flexible and can be adapted to a large variety of task

A word processor is a computer program that enables the user to manipulate text and then instruct the printer to produce a hard copy of that text.

An electronic spreadsheet is a computer program that permits numbers, entered in a regular array of rows and columns, to be manipulated at will. The spreadsheet can be constructed so that the value of a one number can be made to depend on the value of a second number. If the second number is changed the S. automatically re-calculates the values of the other.

A DBMS stands for database management system and it is a program that stores and manipulates information held in a database. More than one file can be accessed at the same time so the data stored in one file can be used in combination with that of another.

Graphics packages can be low or high resolution: low-resolution graphics uses pixels of the same size as text pixels and pictures are made up of compound of pixel patterns; high-resolution graphics uses a smaller pixel, thereby producing the effect of more high-resolution monitor can display up to sixteen colors.

An expert system is a computer program that displays the expertise of an expert

Non - computerized databases: Databases existed before the creation of computers in fact the people for storing data, use filing cabinets, address-books, telephone-books, school registers..

Database is an integrated collection of data which is centrally controlled. With the DBMS is possible to store, manipulate and organize large number of data inserted in a databases. Different user can access the data at the same time.


  1. Redundancy can be reduced: We can avoid the repetition of data by integrating separate files
  2. Inconsistency can be avoided: It's avoided by reducing redundancy, in this way there is less chance that two entries will disagree
  3. The data can be shared: Sharing is one of the most important benefits. Existing application can references the same data; new applications can reference existing data.
  4. Standards can be enforced: Centralized controls makes it possible to enforce standards rigidly.
  5. Integrity can be maintained: The integrity of data can be controlled better in a databases environment.

The risks: Data in a database is more at risk because different user can access it and because it's collected in the same location rather than being dispensed in many different files and places.

Query it's an interrogation effected on the data present in a database. The data that provide the answer , come form one or more tables.

Form is a window of the application or a window of dialog created in visual basic or in other programs. On a form is possible to create controls of input or output.

Record is a structure that it's used to tore data of an complex object and the space for the single information is called field.

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