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Robinson crusoe

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Scarica gratis Robinson crusoe


First act

There is a big storm and some sailors in a big ship are trying to save a man who has fallen overboard. They cannot turn the ship because it is leaking. They decide to go to the small islands of America. They must take a small boat, taht is then overturned, so they are thrown into the water. Robinson wakes up on an island. He realizes that he is safe, but also that he is alone. He runs up and down the beach where he sees a hat and a pair of shoes, thinking that there is a man, but soon he understands that he is really alone. Suddenly he sees his dog, which runs away and finds a cave. He starts to build a house and a fence. When he finishes, he talks with the dog and then goes to bed.

Second act

Robinson decides to write a journal. While he is looking at the sea, he sees a boat. He tries to call the mariners, but they don't see him. He captures a parrot, and he calls her Polly. Robinson teaches her to speak.

Third act

Robinson teaches Friday about hats, shirts and jerkins; he gives him a pair of pants, a pair of shoes and an umbrella. Then Robinson teaches Friday to say their names of other things such as tree, house, stick, book.

At the end of this scene, Robinson writes some laws that Friday must obey.

Fourth act

Robinson eats some berries which are poisonous and Friday saves his life. After, Friday jokes about some enemies pretending they are coming to the island just to show that Robinson's laws are silly.

The day after, unfortunately, his dog dies and Robinson is very sad, but Friday consoles him.

Fifth act

While Friday is cutting Robinson's hair, he sees a ship which is coming to the isalnd. The captain of the ship is exploring the island, when he meets Robinson and they start talking. Captain Merrick asks Robinson if he wants to return to England. Robinson decides not to return to England but Friday wants to leave the island and go to England with captain Merrick. Robinson is surprised but he understands Friday. They are very sad because they have to see goodbye to each others. Friday leaves and Robinson stays alone on the island.

Scarica gratis Robinson crusoe
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