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Richardson samuel - Life, Richardson's novels

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Scarica gratis Richardson samuel - Life, Richardson's novels

Richardson samuel


He was born in derbyshire in 1689.he moved with is family to london and he starded to write very young,at the age of 13.

He worked as an apprendice to a printer,he was so able that at the age of 32 he set up his own printing shop.

He was suffecul in business but not so happy in personal life:he married m. Wilde that died ten years later like five of their six children.

He married again ,he had six children and fortunately only two died.

At the age of 50,he was asked to write a volume of model letters to be used in various occasions by "country readers"=>familiar letters on important occasions

While he preparing the letters ,hne devolpment the story of a serving maid whose virtute is attacked by an  unscrupulous man so he started writing=>pamela or virtue regared(1740) and epistolary novel,the story is told through an exchange of letters between the characters.

It was a great succes like  his two following novels:clarissa and sir charles grandison.

H. Fielding wrote a parody of pamela called shamela and another novel called joseph andrews, about a character who is supposed to be pamela' s brother.

Richarson died in july 1761.

Richardson's novels

the moralising aim =>all his novels are set in a domestic middle class .

His novels are the drammatic representation of the etchis shown by " the spectator":modesty,good manners and common sense.

In all his novels there is an heavy moralising tendency  which reflected the puritans ideas.

Characters=> in all his wod there is a psychological analysis. The reader is taken insied the mind of the characters and know all their ideas,. so the reader is the witness of their possible beging.

Style=>pamela,clarissa and sir c.grandison are epistoraly novels, writte in the form of an exchange of letters between the characters. This techinique adds realism to the story and we know very well the characters. Others writers after richardsoin used this technique for example ugo foscolo in the "le ultime letteredi jacopo ortis" .

Narrative technique=> the form of "epistolary way" uses the first person narrative technique so provides different points of wiev of the same event.

So for example with this technique the characters introduced one another using letters , no speech  and there is the sense of immediacy.

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