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Scarica gratis Pennsylvania


Pennsylvania is in the north-east of the United States, near the Atlantic Ocean.

In the north it borders with the State of New York, in the east with New Jersey and Delaware, in the south with Maryland and West Virginia and in the west with Ohio.

The mountains range are Appalachi and Allegheny; in the subsoil of the Allegheny there are raw materials like coal, natural gas and oil.

The most important rivers are Delaware, Allegheny and Ohio.

The climate is continental-damp, characterized by a big difference between winter and summer temperatures and the tornados are very frequent.

The tipical produces are corn, maize, potatoes, tobacco and cherries. Here the people practices the breeding of poultry and the dairy production. Pennsylvania is also the greatest producer of mushrooms of the United States.

The most important cities are Harrisburg, the capital city, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

The fist man that arrived in Pennsylvania was William Penn in 1643, in fact the name

"Pennsylvania" come from his name, that means "woods of Penn".

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