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Scarica gratis Padua


Padua is a very pretty city on the edge of the Euganean Hills, is noted mainly for its university and for its associations with St. Antony. This city was the focal point of literature and culture in the past and nowadays preserves a lot of its charms and qualities.


Our group start the tour at Piazza degli Eremitani where we will visit the Augustinian church of the Eremites restored after war damage and we can admire frescoes by Mantegna in the Cappella Ovetari. The we will see the Cappella degli Scrovegni with Giotto's splendid frescoes, that represent scenes from the life of the Virgin and the Christ. We proceed our tour walking along Corso Garibaldi and we will admire the neoclassical Caffè Pedrocchi that was the first and largest café in Europe. Then we go on seeing he University built in 16th century and proceed going to Piazza delle Erbe when we find Palazzo della Ragione the old law court now an exhibition and conferences hall. Now we go to Piazza dei Signori, here we can admire the Loggia della Guardia an Early Renaissance building and Palazzo del Capitanio formerly seat of the Venetian governor. Following this visit we will see the Cathedral, a high Renaissance building with an elegant Baptistery. We proceed going to the church of Sant'Antonio, on the way we stop at the Prefecture and the Tomb of Antenor, a medieval sarcophagus. Then we will visit the church of Sant'Antonio known as "il Santo", containing the Tomb of St Antony of Padua that attracts many pilgrims every year. In front of the church we admire Donatello's equestrian statue of Gattamelata the first large bronze statue made in Italy. Our final stop will be at the church of Santa Giustinia where we will admire the high altar fine painting by Veronese, but before we will cross the unique Prato della Valle. Our tour around Padua is unfortunately finish but don't forget this lovely city.

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