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Osama bin Laden

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Scarica gratis Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden

The dramatic events happened into the Twin Towers and into the Pentagon on September 11th are probably made by America's public enemy number one: Mr Osama bin Laden. Thanks to his money he is able to organise sophisticated terrorist attacks and to recruit qualificated experts. What happened in New York and Washington is not his first attack. In fact last year, an American warship exploded because of suicidal militants. Bombings of the America Embassies in Kenia and in Tanzania and of some planes, in 1992, are the proof that his specialities are multiple attacks. However he usually warns before attacking.

The terrorists accuse America of not being interested about Palestinians and Israeli's conflict and to have sanctioned Iraques.

But why the Twin Towers? Because they are the Centre of International Trade and the symbol of the America's power. Eight years ago a group of terrorists put a bomb car into the basement car park in one of the Towers but it failed! In that case, Mr bin Laden was not directly implicated but some of his comrades-in-arms.

I think that the colpe they are not from giving to single part, but to

both the parts.  Because also the America has its colpe. The only thing is that there are too many ' innocent ' dead men!

Osama bin Laden

Scarica gratis Osama bin Laden
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