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My school trip to barcelona

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Scarica gratis My school trip to barcelona


About two weeks ago my school friends and I left to Barcelona to take a trip lasted one week. The flight was very quiet and relaxing even if it was my first one. We arrived to Barcelona at 3.30 p.m. and at 6 p.m. we were in the hotel: the external appearance is very good and the rooms are very nice too, but the meals are orrible; however it was an excellent hotel situated in a beautiful area near the Mediterranean Sea with a lot of accommodation: disco, swimming pool, conditioner, satellite tv. There in Barcellona we were 13 pupils and 2 school guides that was very friendly, tollerant and funny because they are young enough and so they understood our exigence. During the day we visited a lot of churches, monuments, museums and much more that impress everyone sees it for its magnificence and extraordinary beauty. Especially I was stupefied when I saw the "Sagrada Familia" by Antoni Gaudì, the most stately building I've never seen; too we visited La Pedrera, Home Batlò, Home Milà and Parc Guell that are designed by Gaudì who is called the God's architect. Besides we saw three art gallery of three different artist: Picasso, Dalì and Mirò: the gallery that I prefered is Dalì's one, but all gallery are very interesting and useful for one's culture. In conclusion I think that Barcelona is full of culture and it have an huge variety of interesting thing to see such as souvenir shop that there are in the principal street of Barcellona, called La Rambla; in this shop you can find a great deal of typical spanish object: bulls, bottles of sangria, sombreros for instance. I bought two t-shirt with the inscription "Barcelona", one of the acquarium we visited and some gadgets of the soccer team Barcellona: a mug, a ball and a t-shirt by Ronaldinho. The real enjoyment arrived at nightfall when we are more free and so my friends and I went to a bar or a disco to enjoy ourselves or to meet new people. Sometimes we stayed at the hotel disco to dance or to play billiards till it closed and after we gave a party only for us in our room till nearly morning. In the hotel there are a lots of boys and girls coming from all Italy that we met during the evengings past together. The retourn journey was a little more lively because we were sitting in the rear of the plan that is the most noisy part because of the engine; however the trip finished without any trouble and everyone were safe, although we were a little sad because the trip was at the end.

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