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Italian system school

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Scarica gratis Italian system school


Scuola materna includes children of age between 3 and 6 years old. In this school the children learn to report with another children. This school is call "infant school", too. This school isn't compulsory.

Elementary school includes pupils of age between 6 and 10 years old. In this school the pupils learn to read, write and do subject like math, history, geographic, art and instruction religious. Next this school the students take an exam. If the students pass the exam, they will attend the secondary school of first grad.

Secondary school of first grad includes pupils of age between 10 and 13 years old. In this school the pupils deepen notions of the elementary school, and they do science, foreign language, technical subject and physical education. Next this school the students take an exam. If the students pass the exam, they will attend the secondary school of second grad.

Secondary school of second grad includes students of age between 13 and 19 years old. In this school the students study different subject. This school is divide in liceo, technical and professional institute. These schools have a variable duration from 2 to 5. Next this school the students take an exam call "state exam". If the students pass this exam, they can attend the university.

Type of secondary school of second grad:

In a scientific liceo, the student study latin, philosophy and a foreign language.

In a technical institute, the student study specific subjects for preparation to the work.

In a professional institute, the student study the practice of a job. 

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