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Emily Bronte

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Scarica gratis Emily Bronte

Emily Bronte

Life and works

  • Born in Yorkshire in 1818
  • She published a poems volume with her sisters
  • She wrote only one novel: Wuthering Heights
  • She died at the age of 30

"Wuthering Heights"


  • Lockwood, the new tenant of Thruschcross Grange, seeks shelter in Wuthering Heights, a remote moorland of Heathcliff.
  • He has a nightmare: a girl, Cathy, asks to be let in from window, but he's scared and prevents her from entering
  • The next day, he hears the story of Cathy from Nelly, a servant

Earnshaw found a boy (Heathcliff)_he brought him at W.H._he began treating him as a beast

Earnshaw had two children, Hindley (who hates Heathcliff) and Cathy (whit whom is in love Heathcliff)

Earnshaw died and Hindley became the master of the house. Cathy is forced to marry Linton. Heathcliff ran away

Cathy died in childbirth. Heathcliff decided to marry Linton's sister and so he treated her cruelly. They had a son, Linton.

Heathcliff became master of W.H. and brought under his power Hindley and his son, Hareton.

Heathcliff wanted his son to marry Cathy's daughter, Cathrine, but she's in love with Hareton.

  • Lockwood leaves and returns to Thrushcross Grange a years later. Nelly tells him that Heathcliff and Linton are died and Cathrine and Hareton got married. Heathcliff has asked to be reunited with Cathy in death.

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