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Leggi anche appunti:The globeTHE GLOBE When Sam Wanamaker, a young American actor, came to London GeographyGEOGRAPHY Scotland lies to the north of England and its population The preromantic traditionTHE PREROMANTIC TRADITION In the 18th century prose fiction moved gradually |
Earnshaw found a boy (Heathcliff)_he brought him at W.H._he began treating him as a beast
Earnshaw had two children, Hindley (who hates Heathcliff) and Cathy (whit whom is in love Heathcliff)
Earnshaw died and Hindley became the master of the house. Cathy is forced to marry Linton. Heathcliff ran away
Cathy died in childbirth. Heathcliff decided to marry Linton's sister and so he treated her cruelly. They had a son, Linton.
Heathcliff became master of W.H. and brought under his power Hindley and his son, Hareton.
Heathcliff wanted his son to marry Cathy's daughter, Cathrine, but she's in love with Hareton.
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