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Describing a place: PALERMO

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Scarica gratis Describing a place: PALERMO

Describing a place: PALERMO

It's a city of the south of Italy, on the northwestern coast of Sicily, on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

It's the capital of Sicily, an independent region of Italy.

It has got 689.193 inhabitants and 158,88 km2

Palermo has got the largest port of Sicily.

In the city there are many buildings that they have to go back from the period when Sicily was a

Norman kingdom.

There are also Arab, Byzantine and Spanish influences.

Palermo was founded by the Phoenicians in the 8th century BC and was a Carthaginian colony.

It was taken by the Romans in 254 BC. It subsequently passed into the hands of the Goths (AD 440),

the Byzantines (535), the Saracens (831), the Normans (1072), and the Holy Roman emperors

The economy isn't very good, because there are small-medium factories and the

unemployment is very diffuse.

It is a trading centre for the island's agricultural produce and has factories engaged in food processing,

shipbuilding, and the manufacture of furniture, leather products, glass, chemicals, cement, textiles, and


This a very beautiful city for its monuments, its nature as the mountains, the sea, the trees and many

other things.

The most beautiful places in Palermo are the Cathedral, the Church of San Giovanni degli Eremiti, the

Royal Palace with the Palatine Chapel and a lot of other places.

Near the centre of Palermo, in Saint Pellegrino Mountain, there is the sanctuary of Saint Rosalie, the

patron saint of the city.

Every year, in the week of the 15th July, there is a feast to celebrate the saint.

In September there is a pilgrimage from the centre of Palermo to the sanctuary in S.Pellegrino


In this city the weather is very hot in summer, about 40°C and in Winter isn't very cold.

The sea is fantastic in fact it's one of the most beautiful attractions for the foreign tourists.

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