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Definizioni termini informatici (in inglese)

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Scarica gratis Definizioni termini informatici (in inglese)


Hardware is the physical equipment that make s aup the computer system.

Software consist of the operating instruction that tell the computer what to do.

A computer is an electronic device capable of processing data.

The keyboard is a sophisticated typewriter with a typical disposition QWERTY. In fact they have the same more other keys. the computer knows the difference among the number 0 and it O or also among the number 1 and the lower case letter L. the standard keyboard has 102 keys.   

The mouse is used for moving the cursor on the screen. The movement of the mouse is caused by the contact of the rolling ball with the desk.   

The joystick is used for playing.   

The trackerball is an upside-down mouse. The device is fixed on the desk while the consumer makes to move the ball in the desired sense touching it with the hand.

The microprocessor checks the fundamental operations of the computer, sending and receiving data, addresses and signals of control along a series of lines that the bus of system forms, to which the various doors of input/output are connected that it allow to make to talk the external devices, it can directly be connected on the mother card or on additional cards connected to the bus through special slot of expansion, with the microprocessor. 

Even if during the years the microprocessors have suffered a complex and unbridled evolution you/he/she is tried to maintain the complete compatibility with the preceding products, adding to the already existing functionalities new potentialities and a greater speed of elaboration.

Memory is the amount of RAM installed in the computer

Storage is the hard disk's capacity.

ROM (read only memory) holds permanent data or instruction and may be read from but not written

  • PROM programmable read only memory
  • EPROM erasable programmable read only memory

RAM (random access memory) data may be read and written . A computer uses RAM to hold temporary instructions and data. This enable the CPU to access instruction and data stored in memory very quickly.

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