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Conjugation of the verbs (some examples)

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Scarica gratis Conjugation of the verbs (some examples)

Coniugazione dei verbi (alcuni esempi)

Conjugation of the verbs (some examples)

To go (andare)

I go

io vado

you go

tu vai

he goes

egli va

she goes

ella va

it goes

esso va

we go

noi andiamo

you go

voi andate

they go

Essi vanno

To eat (mangiare) to have (avere) to sing (cantare)

I eat

I have

I sing

you eat

you have

you sing

he, she, it eats

he, she, it has

he, she, it sings

we eat

we have

we sing

you eat

you have

you sing

they eat

they have

they sing

La forma negativa, interrogativa e interrogativa negativa si costruisce in inglese sempre come segue:

to play (suonare)

forma negativa


interrogativa negativa

I do not play o I don't play

do I play?

don't I play?

you do not play o you don't play

do you play?

don't you play?

he does not play o he doesn't play

does he play?

doesn't he play?

we do not play o we don't play

do we play?

don't we play?

you do not play o you don't play

do you play?

don't you play?

They do not play o they don't play

do they play?

don't they play?

  • Le contrazioni sono sempre usate negli Stati Uniti, sopprimendo la vocale.
  • To have (avere) nell'inglese d'Inghilterra si costruisce come to be, cioè senza il to do, mentre negli Stati Uniti vuole sempre il to do, come qualsiasi altro verbo; esempi:

forma negativa: I don't have - you don't have - he (she-it) doesn't have

forma interrogativa: do I have?- do you have?- does he (she-it) have?

forma interrogativa negativa: don't I have?- don't you have?- doesn't he (she-it) have?- don't we have?- don't you have?- don't they have?

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