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This is a stunning quotation taken from a philosophical work by Francis Bacon , it sums up the general concept of reading and of course the different ways to read various types of books,.

First of all I consider reading as a way to enrich my lexic, to discover new things as well as to entertain myself during my spare time.

When I just have a moment to relax, forgetting everyday's frenzy and obviously problems and difficulty, I read; I read just for the pleasure of reading, I love isolating myself from everything which is linked to the external world, I switch off mobile phones, television and computer, I choose the book which accords better to my mood and only then I sit down and I begin to read. I share Bacon's point of view about books; not only are there so many kinds of books, but also so many ways to read and assimilate them.

Sometimes you swallow a book, other times you just taste it and hardly you chew and digest a book.

I'm keen on fantastic books such as, Harry Potter collection, Le cronache di Narnia and so on, nevertheless I enjoy also reading topical books concerning important themes like politics or war; surely in this field of literature my favorite author is Oriana Fallaci, I have swallowed all her masterpieces.

When a book has a particular gripping plot, rich of turning points and events that upset the scene, it captures me from the beginning till its amazing ending, furthermore in this situation I'm able to read it in few days, sometimes hours; I couldn't stop reading it and I go everywhere with it.

For example I read all J. K Rowling's books with an impressive speed, the plot passionate me so much that in more than one case I read the book without stopping for any reason; unfortunately it isn't the same with the book I've to read for school.

In fact if you choose a book on your own and you are interested in its plotargument you enjoy the reading but if you are due to read a book which often seems a brick for the topic and for the weight you don't like it and sincerely sometimes happened that I just tasted a romance or an essay for a while before adding it to the list of the unread books that I

promise myself to read in the future, in the furthest future. A book which belongs to this list is ''l'uomo che scambio` sua moglie per un cappello'', it was boring and too deep and technical in its scientific digressions; when a book is too much complicated or it is characterized by continuous digressions, specifications and flashbacks you completely forget the plot and consequently you get annoyed because the books seems a boring, scientific manual.

As Bacon says, there are also few books that are particularly interesting and deep that you couldn't simply swallow them, but you have to stop on each phrase and to reflect on its possible meanings by different points of view; so you chew the book paper by paper, after that, you'll gradually digest it being sure that you'll never forget it. These books will concur to wide your culture and you will always have their precious words and, of course, their main messages with you.

I have read a book that surely belongs to this last genre: ''The Prince'' by Niccolo` Machiavelli, I appreciated and loved every word of it. I particularly loved it probably because it gathered in itself many different subjects such as Italian literature, History and certainly philosophy.

Personally, I have no doubt that ''the Divine Comedy'' by Dante Alighieri is one of the most important books that you've to chew and digest during your life; one could say it's a ''must'' of the Italian literature because being a didascalic work it contains crucial informations of 1300's culture and it is also able to show us the Italian historical background, so it is a small but fundamental plug of a wide puzzle called culture.

Now I'm reading a fascinating philosophical book: ''Le filosofie Del diritto'' by G.W.F Hegel, I hold the view that it is the typical book you should slowly chew and digest.

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